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Image Comments posted by rocco1

    Mt Beauty


    Very striking, but I cannot help but wonder - did you leave the righthand branch deliberately b/w? It seems a little lost to the eye...


    But it's nice, I like it.

    Koln Candle


    For a beginner this is quite a good capture!


    As for advice, a smaller aperture might have saturated the pic a bit more and bring out the rays more clearly, but that's according to personal taste.

    The Twilight Zone

    Polaris? North Star? Oh how lucky you from the northern hemisphere are. We from the southern hemisphere have no such star to guide us... Oh well, back to the drawing board.



    Great timing with the sun/clouds, it makes the lighting very catching.

    But the fact that the tree and building is in line does seem to bother the eye a bit.


    Stunning picture. It seems sharp and full of detail if you look at her eyes, yet is soft and subtle with the way the lighting is used. Beautiful!



    Very nice picture, great composition.


    However I cannot help but wonder: this kind of picture is usually very striking in color, did the adding of the sepia toning make it better?


    Just wondering.


    The lighting is a bit harsh and direct on her face - a drawback if you are using the camera's own flash. A suggestion would be to use natural light (if you can get strong enough natural light), or to use a diffusing method on your flash, like bouncing it, adding a diffuser screen ect.
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