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Everything posted by nsfbr

  1. <p>Umm, no. Cameras have no picture taking ability. Snark aside, I'd take the D300's AF and other characteristics over most of the current DX lineup in exchange for what I lose in sensor most days. In dim light, probably not, but in some cases that too, as I'd rather have a noisy in focus image to a noise free out of focus one.</p> <p>It can't compare to any FX camera in Nikon's lineup perhaps, but I think it still holds its own in many conditions, in many situations against the entire DX lineup. Heck, people started writing it off when the D90 came out and today no one bemoans the lack of a D90 follow on. The D300 is a classic and if I could stick a sensor upgrade into mine I'd pay nearly as much as I paid for the original camera to do so.</p>
  2. <blockquote> <p>I'm really glad they made this camera for the guys who love it, because when I tried it in the store, I just didn't like anything about the ergonomics, shape, etc.</p> </blockquote> <p>Peter, this is so true. I took my old (really old) N2020 out, well one of them anyway, and it was so foreign to me. Kind of odd, since it was my first Nikon, and very similar to the camera I learned on - a Minolta SRT201, back in the 70s.</p> <p>I never would have predicted it, but I find my D800 and D300 completely intuitive now. And the D70 I went to digital on feels...like a toy.</p>
  3. <p>Could you upload full size, untouched images? There is no exif info so it is a bit hard to look for anything there. Also, the images are severely compressed. The first one is 26kB.</p>
  4. <p>I'd spend the money on a decent tripod. If you have a flash, perhaps a set of filters for it to match the ambient lighting, assuming it is indoors. If it is outdoors, you may want to get a graduated Neutral Density filter since you will probably have some serious sky in the background and most likely will want to darken the sky to avoid blowing it out. <br> I say all that because you aren't going to get a lens worth "upgrading" to for $300. That's about that the kit lens would cost so don't bother.</p>
  5. <p>Last one. Good illustration of both the high(ish) ISO performance of the D800 and the really superb VR and wide open capabilities of the 70-200 VRII. It is a fun combination for someone who not that many years ago was shooting a D70 and second rate glass.</p><div></div>
  6. <p>And again...</p><div></div>
  7. <p>I've discovered the B&O Railroad museum. Perfect place for a person with four year old twin boys to spend an afternoon giving mom some alone time...</p> <div></div>
  8. <blockquote> <p>I have had only one ugly incident in 24 years of living in/visiting in Japan and that was at night in Nara. It was over fairly quickly.</p> </blockquote> <p>Some deer come after you looking for snacks?<br> <a title="Japan March 2008 by Joel, on Flickr" href=" src="https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2007/2438045580_2c4ffbd773_z.jpg?zz=1" alt="Japan March 2008" width="640" height="425" /></a></p>
  9. <blockquote>In some rare cases, the memory card access lamp remained lit for longer than usual, and some time was required before any operations could be performed. This issue has been resolved.</blockquote> <p>Hooray! Lots of other interesting stuff here, but Hooray for this irritant being fixed finally.</p>
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