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Posts posted by melaniec

  1. I included the Peet's for other, dorkier reasons:


    Camera And Coffee


    Anyway, the Rollei weighs considerably more than a bag of Peet's. It's very slightly heavier

    than my M3 + 50mm lens, but not enough to matter. Takes up about the same amount of

    space in my bag.

  2. I have recently started developing my own negatives taken with the M3, and the frame

    spacing is absolutely consistent. My M3 was recently CLAed by Youxin Ye but I think the

    spacing was consistent before this (I was not developing my own negatives then, but the

    negatives my lab developed were evenly spaced. On the other hand, my Canonet G-III

    QL17 has problems with the advance mechanism and the spacing is very inconsistent

    between frames, with some running right up against each other. Don't know exactly what

    to conclude from this but it seems like something might need looking at. After putting a

    couple of rolls through my Canonet the advance lever and shutter release went totally

    wonky to the point where the Canonet needed to be sent off for repair. Of course these

    are two different cameras, so who knows.


    Hope this helps.

  3. I have an M3 and I don't find it difficult to focus at all. Even though I have only been using

    this camera since January, I honestly have never taken an out of focus shot (and I have

    been taking lots of pictures). My photos have all sorts of other problems, don't get me

    wrong (I am only newly graduated from taking snapshots with a P&S, and have limited

    talent anyway) but focusing is not one of my problems. I think it's one of the easiest

    things about picking up a Leica M.


    The patch on my camera is very bright and easy to use. I also have a Canonet G-III and

    the rangefinder patch on that one is similar in type and use although it is fuzzy in

    comparison. I have not had problems focusing that one either. I grew up thinking that

    this was how all cameras focused (the M3 was my father's) and that may be why I am

    comfortable with this focusing system.

  4. Fabulous Border Collie!


    I find it easier to take black and white photos of my red dog than my black dog.


    The thing I find most interesting is that it has been very difficult for me to communicate

    something of my red dog's personality using color, and particularly color digital, photos.

    He's my dog soulmate, but pretty much only gets along with me and I feel like color and/

    or digital sees him the way other people see him -- as this sort of feral, crazy dog. When I

    take pictures of him, unobtrusively and silently, with my Leica and black and white film,

    well, I won't say they're great photos because I'm not much of a photographer, but I feel

    like I'm capturing a lot more of Solo in a way that other people can finally see and


  5. Hello all,


    Thanks for the advice. I find myself torn between the "user" and "collector" mentalities

    with this particular camera. I do enjoy using it, and plan to use it a lot, and have loved the

    images I've gotten out of it so far. But it was my father's, and he kept it in such good

    shape I'd hate to be the one who turned it into a beater. His old photo albums are filled

    with pictures he made with the Rollei, so I know he used it a lot, but somehow it still looks

    new. He took all of his and my mother's honeymoon photos with it, took it on outings, to

    the beach, took a good number of my baby photos with it. I think he always carried it in

    the leather case, which if inconvenient is certainly protective. By the time I was old enough

    to remember him using cameras he had stopped using the Rollei and was using the M3

    exclusively. He used the Leica a lot too (all my childhood photos up until the time I was 12

    are therefore Leica photos), but it's also in beautiful condition. I figure it was important to

    him not to bang up his cameras, and I want to respect that.


    Yes, this is the camera I posted about some time ago -- so actually, I AM dragging a Rollei

    and a Leica around with me. The solution I found for the M3 was a small padded zipper

    pouch that was made especially for an M with a 50mm lens. It was heinously overpriced

    for what it is (it's essentially a cosmetics bag lined with neoprene, with a red dot on it:

    http://www.artisanandartist.com/acc/acamrina.htm), but exactly what I was looking for

    and I felt that a special camera deserved at least one special accessory. I don't own a

    "camera bag," per se. My M3, in its little pouch, lives in my purse. The Rollei isn't quite as

    convenient, but I'm looking for a solution that'll make it a bit more convenient. I was kind

    of hoping someone made an overpriced makeup bag for my Rollei. The vendor I got the

    Leica pouch from has something called a "Hassy wrap" for Hasselblads but I think it won't

    fit my 2.8F.


    I think for now I'll stick with the padded lunch bag, and perhaps sew the velvet right into

    the bag so that I only have to open one thing to remove the camera instead of two. In the

    padded lunch bag, the Rollei fits nicely into my Timbuk2 messenger bag with room to

    spare. When using it I will probably continue to use it "naked" and try to avoid swinging it

    into doors or rocks.


    Thanks again, Melanie

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