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Image Comments posted by gregscott

  1. So: is it ok to skew the horizon to create a good composition if you need to? Of course it is. Perhaps I just don't lke the composition quite enough. I'd like more of the fence post/rail. I'm a bit perplexed by the phallic pile of rocks next to the base of the cross. Is the whole thing just a bit skewed? If God is only a prayer away, why is the shrine needed?
  2. To slightly alter a song my mother sings from time to time:

    I'm forever chasinbows,

    Pretty rainbows in the air,

    They arc so high,ing ra

    They really touch the sky,

    And then like the sun, they fade and die. (???)

    Fortune never finds me,

    I've looked everywhere

    Oh, I'm forever chasing rainbows,

    pretty rainbows in the air.


    Well, if you keep photographing rainbows like this, fortune may not find you, but you'll have your photographic pot of gold!


    My only quibble is that I want more rocks and less shrub.

    I suppose a Democrat would want less Bush... But I digress...

    PS, the original song is about blowing bubbles, but bubbles have rainbows in them, and the meter fits, and both are ephemeral phenomena, so It seems to fit.


    I'm sitting indoors shivering and I live in Atlanta GA. This is really strong, graphically, because of it's simplicity. I like the understated color very much. 6/6

    Osprey Fishing


    Well, obviously you filled the frame nicely.

    I would prefer that you had shot a little lower, in order to get more of the bird's reflection. I understand, however, that in practice, its's safer to keep the bird center frame, particularly without planning on that as an element of compostion. And how could you have known in advance this wonderful still water and wave would create such a beautiful reflection?


    Anyway, the eye and fish are crisp and clear, DOF is substantial, and color and sharpness, overall are great. The blur of the wing tips merely add to the sense of motion, so that's great, too.


    Overall, this is a very unusual fish-snatch shot. Outstanding, in my opinion.



    The first thing I saw was the color, which I like.

    THe second thing that I saw was that it's almost as if the other boats are in a parabola, and the blue/foreground boat is at the focus. That gave it some interest. Maybe you could get the boats to pose a little more precisely. }:-)


    Anyway, I see things to like in the photo, but I agree that the photo is off on teh compostion. Perhaps if it's not full frame a different crop would help. If you weree to crop this to the center vertical 1/3rd of the photo, offset to the right a bit to jusst include the boat on the right, then I think that might work better. Just my intuitive, uninformed opinion.

  3. This is perhaps my first crititique in this forum.

    What I like best is how my eye travels easily to the birds eye, and head, and is "comfortable there" There's plenty of sharpness overall, but the head is very sharp. Any oof of the background is totally forgiveable, since it's such an excellent environmental shot.


    I personally enjoy it because I don't know this bird, being from GA. I'm also particulary taken by the great spotted design on the breast and tail.


    I like the direct contact pose.

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