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michael mills

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Image Comments posted by michael mills

    i'm high

    It is truly a great capture. One little thing I might suggest: Use your photo software (i.e. Photoshop) to get rid of your arms, hands and camera in your visor. That, I believe, would inhance it greatly.


    I continue to be drawn back to this photo although I personally do not like it. The cropping is very good. The model's expression is captured nicely. B&W tonal qualities run the full range...although her left cheek below her eye is a little blown out. What bothers me is what appears to be the over sharpening done. Her skin texture appears harsh which gives her a "cold" look. Not physically cold. Rather, spiritually cold. But, perhaps that's what you were shooting for? I would like to see less sharpening and a slight Gaussian blur to her face (except her eyes, of course) and scarf. That would have the result of drawing ones attention to her. As it is, ones eye is drawn all over the photo due to the competing elements of the sharpening. But again, this may be what you were trying to achieve. If so, you succeeded! Best regards.

    Morning Peace


    At the lodge where I stayed in Jasper there was a small lake and this

    lone chair. I sat down to enjoy the view and hoped that a few elk

    would walk by. They didn't that morning...but then the chair itself

    became a nice focus of attention. I'd appreciate your thoughts....

    Paradigm Shift


    One of the things I like about macro work is the ability to take the

    ordinary and present it in an unusual way. "What is it," we often

    ask? And usually, once we discover the 'secret' a smile crosses our

    lips as we utter a collective, ahhhhh. The minor paradigm shift we

    experience provides a sense of enjoyment in seeing something a little

    bit differently than we ever saw it before.


    BTW, the subject of this photo is merely the cap from a USB flash




    Please let me know what you think I could have done

    better/differently with this. The background was originally quite

    dark. I added a little texture to it and a slight gradient to give it

    a little interest without taking control of the photo. I also toned

    down a bit of the contrast in the boys face. Thanks for taking the

    time to resond!



    I presented this photo in its original form almost a year ago when I

    was in Kabul. But that photo didn't seem to capture the desperation

    and hopelessness that many of the refugees suffer. This version seems

    closer to doing that...at least from my point of view. Comments and

    suggestions greatly appreciated! Thanks for your thoughts!

  1. I'm still in the process of learning Photoshop and was trying to

    convey the aloneness of this child by washing out the colors of the

    original photo. All comments and suggestions are appreciated!

  2. I like this overall. Nice hues and saturation, shadows and highlights. Additionally, you applied good artistic thought to the composition. I do think it could benefit by simplifying it a tad, though. For one, the flower planter keeps distracting my eye from the chair and reflection of the window. Additionally, the trees in the background, while well exposed, are too much in focus for my taste. I would consider cloning out the flower planter and blurring the background just a little to soften it and draw the eyes back to the chair...which is wonderful! Great job!

    Afghan Girl


    We help the Allahoddin Orphanage here in Kabul. Usually the girls

    don't want me to take their pictures, but today several of them

    decided that it was ok. Thanks for looking! All comments welcome.

  3. Please view larger. The brief time I spent with this little girl

    broke my heart. All she, or anyone else there, had were the clothes

    on their backs. Their shelters were made of scrap polls and fabric

    along the side of the road. This is just one of several refugee

    camps in Kabul.

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