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Image Comments posted by susanolson

    White Sand

    You should really listen to yourself. Go ahead, send this image to an Editor. I dare you. I would LOVE to hear what they think. I am done. Don't waste any more of my energy.


    I really like the composition here. And your subjects look comfortable with you. I just wish you could have shot this a different time of day. The lighting is a little harsh. An evening light would have made this portrait sing. Keep up the good work! Cheers!

    White Sand

    If you didn't want constructive criticism, why did you post this in the critique forum?????? This TO ME is a very crappy picture. Like I said before you have better images than this and you did a very poor job using the extraction tool or selection tool. You can see the ragged lines in the shadow and around the hands and feet. In particular between the arm and hip of the girl in blue is a big chunk of the background you forgot to eliminate. How on earth can you really learn if your ego is so proud of your high ratings? I've seen outstanding images being torn apart by teachers in school. Why? So the students can learn and become better photog's. This is not a blog and I am not here to make friends. I am here to learn from my mistakes and maybe help someone else be a better photog. "WOW", "GREAT IMAGE", "I LOVE THIS", "YOU'RE THE BEST PHOTOG EVER", "7/7" are all words that are not going to help you GROW. ESPECIALLY if it's a weak image. There are many photographers out there whom I'm jealous and envious of......they have some F@#KEN amazing images!! I'm sorry, as much as it hurts me, you are not one of them.

    White Sand

    You have better images than this. You did a really bad job extracting or making a selection around these girls. I don't understand why you received a high rating for this image.

    So What?

    Hey Kelvin. Thanks for giving me props on my folio. Google beauty retouching. Some good techniques there. Sometimes I use a medium size soft brush with the clone stamp and set my opacity to 10% (or so) and just go over the area over and over til it is smoothed out. Depending on the image Noise Ninja can over soften. Hope this helps a little! Cheers!

    So What?


    Beautiful and interesting girl. I like the impact of the lighting on her. Perhaps it's a little over sharpened? Just a suggestion but Noise Ninja works well for me in smoothing out skin problems. I did this quickly just to show you without messing up your image. Cheers!


    Self Portrait

    I really like the lighting here. It's a cool self portrait. The only thing that bothers me is the dark space on the left of the image. Maybe shooting or cropping it a little closer to the guitar would be better. I just don't know if the negative space on the left is necessary.
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