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Image Comments posted by thierrylaflamme

  1. Nice contrast Pete! The composition is also really effective. I love all your pictures, especially from the "coffee" section. Brilliant work with a different approach. Thanks to share on this website, sincerely.


    Absolutely beautiful, Denise. The colours are so vivid in your portfolio. I also fell in love with all these pictures of flowers. You see the beauty of life through your camera, that's a given! Regards, Thierry Laflamme
  2. Une image pleine de sens, Maxime. La lumiere, le contraste, la composition: tout est parfaitement orchestre pour une oeuvre qui laissera sa marque au fil des annees. Merci de partager cette photo vraiment remarquable. La scene est touchante. 7/7

    Alabama Hills


    I am sure, John, that you felt something very special when your feet touched that land.


    It is sincerely amazing the way these clouds were moving in the sky. B e a u t i f u l !


    Thank you, also, for one of the nicest feedback that I got on my web-page regarding the picture called: "Toronto centre-ville". I'm really happy to know you liked it because, to me, it means a lot. (Deep inside, I think it is one of my strongest work among all pictures from the last 10 years...) Thank you one thousand times; your comment was touching.


    Denise, your work is stunning! The light associate to these beautiful pastel colours makes the whole picture a lovely piece of art. Une autre image magnifique. Congrats!
  3. I wish I could get the same tone for my own pictures, David. It is really really nice! Also, the foggy background add a mystery component to the entire scene. Beautiful picture! I would make a huge wallpaper for my bedroom with a shot like this one. 10/10


    Bonjour Richard. What a beautiful piece of architecture! I deeply like this picture. Great sharpness, contrast and lighting. The reflection is simply beautiful! Once again, thanks to share with us. Regards, Thierry.

    old Bridge

    I usually prefer natural shots. However, I must admit of your picture (even strongly manipulated), it is deeply captivating. I love it Francisco! Brilliant work, no doubt in my mind. 7/7
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