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larry d. boswell

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Image Comments posted by larry d. boswell

  1. Thank you Fred,

    I spoke with this couple for a few minutes and this is there lifestyle, living on or around the Venice Beach area. They have a baby which I excluded in these four posts and my comments are...HIS comments. As we spoke I learned two things from this couple: They are happy and they too enjoy life. I was open minded and felt no uncomfort spreaking with them at all. Just two young people...kickin' it! He was, (I felt) joking when he said they were off to meet the in-laws. But again Fred...HIS words...not mine.


    Have you thawed yet? Your photo (New Salem Winter) has drawn alot of attention! And rightly so...Congratulation! I liked it the moment I saw it too! Burrrrrrr! lol



    Juan Carlos I am so gald everyone likes it! Let me know (serioulsy)if I can do anything further for you...Larry


    p.s. Print away!



    My dear friend Juan Carlos...How are you? Printed any 'good' photos latey? I did! I have to tell everyone that comments on it that 'no it was not me that took this fantastic photo', but my good friend Juan Carlos...So, many complements to you!

    Stay in touch...Larry

    p.s. Thanks!



    Bob, thank you. Admittely I took a chance on this angle, but all in all I think (too) it works well. Thanks again and have fun,


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