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Posts posted by brian_faini

  1. In my many trips to nyc I see plenty of high end-equipment being lugged around the streets, lot oF L lens. I dont think that it would be a problem as long as you have a nice strap around you body. Just look out for the regular stuff of someone trying to sneak a hand into a bag or pocket
  2. I tried to ask the question. I am shooting birthday party. I am making it clear to my hireing client that I own the images and can use them for self promotion or portfoilio and that when I sell them the images they are free to print as they wish for non-comerical or any mone monetary compensative reason.

    I am going on the grounds that this is a public setting, and being their being at say a parade and being in a photograph. being in a public setting gives up some right to privacy

  3. look into the sigma ex 18-50mm 2.8/f EX

    I read multiple reviews and comparisons to lens in its range that canon offers and it seems to be on par with the canons for the most part little bit of CA on the wide end but that is with the common black against bright that all lenses face. I wanted a faster lens to cover the range on my 300d. at 2 stops faster on teh wide end and 4 stops faster on the other and $700 less than the canon, it seemed logical. All of ther reviews gave it rather good marks, google "sigma 18 55 2.8"

    I didnt want to pay another $700 for IS and the name

    I just ordered mine for $435 with uv filter, shipped

  4. I have been hired to photograph a birthday party held at a church

    activity hall. There will be 40-50guests. I will be allow fair use of

    the images with the customer upon delivery (digital files). I will

    most likely being using a few of the images for my personal collection

    and portfolio or samples ect.

    How does the copyrighting work with this, what should the contract

    include who all needs to sign? It isnt a public event, so do I need a

    release from all the guests?

  5. Anyone heard of a 300d buffer upgrade like the fuji s2 had. I am

    struggleing with the buffer now more than I ever used to for some

    reason. I am strapped for funds at the moment so this would be a great

    thing if it is possible. I like my 300d just not the buffer, I would

    really like a mark 2N but that isnt going to happen anytime soon. well

    now I am rambling. Thanks for any input.

  6. Has anyone been using the lightroom test version....


    I feel if they increase the ACR that is part of this new program that it will be quite nice and that it will allow you to be better present work to clients


    I was reading a magazine last week that was comparing the 2 programs and how ACR produces less sharp images, but does this not allow for better control of the post process imaging?

  7. not sure if it is the lens that can be playing a role in this, seems like they would have used the nikon 1.4 not eh 1.8, just to make it even with the canon but the 20d is visably sharper, has better contrast, and saturation.


    but the d200 compared to the d2x is hard to decern a differnce..


    i think canon had nothing to worry about knows what they are doing, as many have said before me, and that with dpreview, they are getting some help, for people that research before they buy but for those who are just in the store and see 8mp vs 10mp and the price to them it is a no brainer

  8. well ppl will look and think you are a pro if you act like one and you have a large lens from my experience, (they just dont know any better) I walked right into the press area of several sporting events with my bag, 300d with 75-300USM IS and 420ex... people dont think twice about it, If I didnt know better, I wouldnt either..I have been against the glass at hockey games, and in other places, a fan shouldnt be, just by acting like I belong there


    I would suggest if you need to concel it to get it without being hasseled take the suggestion of leica minilux or what have you...

  9. might I also add that at that price canon is not expecting this to be a consumer lens... they want a 200mm or more range for $300 this could be easily considered prosumer/pro at that price..

    consumers arent really going to care about a f2.8 they will not understand the benefits of that plus IS...

  10. yes 3rd party lenses have the range and pricing that are nice but they dont have the quality that is nice, after owning 3 sigmas, I will never buy 3rd party again the quality was not up to par with a kit lens...


    I would like to see this new 17-55mm with a bit lower price tag though, $800 seems resonable

  11. well it seems a resonable step from my 300d that I have had for 2 years. with a atarting price of $1400, and a drop within a few months after that, the 20d still around $1142(b&H) I am curious to see what that will do..


    after waiting out the 20d, and 350d, and haveing to say pass on the 5d (rather spend the money on glass) this is a good step to me, sure it isnt 10mp like many had hoped for but I have never worried about the quailty of my images with the 300d sensor and a 2mp improvement will be nice.


    what is getting me to buy, it the speed that the 30d offers and various other aspects that blow away my 300d. sure there are a few bells and whistles that have been added but who needs the super-camera at $1400 (well everyone would love that)

  12. well, I believe this should be a great addition to the line... yes it is and EF-S but how many times did I want a faster lens while using a 17-55mm 3.5-5.6... just IS would have been nice, but 2.8 with IS. sounds great to me, if they have improved the optical quality even slightly I am definitely in...I love the range of the lens as well.


    I am senseing that their will not be a "kit" with this lens though

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