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dida futi

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Posts posted by dida futi

  1. Hi Ryan, even it's quite late answer, I use Tetenal Ultrafin Liquid with TRI-X. The times are as follows:

    Continuous agitation with 3sec intervals, 1+10 dilution, 5min.

    Intermittent agitation (first minute continuous, then each minute 3 flips), 1+10 dilution, 9 minutes.

    with dilution 1+20 the times change to 12min and 20min.

    These times are Tetenal recommended, it's written on bottle. The negative is not so contrasty as from rodinal, but has more shadow resolution, I think. I used also R09 rodinal derivate.


    Regards, r.

  2. Hello all. I did yesterday probably big mistake, when I developed two

    films in one solutions. I went from Ilford PAN 400 to Kodak T max 100

    in Tetenal Ultrafin developer and then with Ilfostop stopper and

    Ilford rapid fixer. Ilford film is perfect, for Kodak I prolonged time

    as recommended for 0.5 liter solution and obtained good developed

    negative, but after Ilfotol dryer and drying it has still some sticky

    smell on emulsion surface. I saw fingerprints on unexposed black

    frames at the end of negative and also this morning the situation

    persists. What to do to fix that ? Again to fixer, wash and dry again

    ? I think I rinse negative well. Only Idea I have is that rection

    products in dveloper from Ilford film has contaminated somehow and

    reacts with Kodak. Well, is expirience for myself. Never again. Thanks

    for recommendations in advance. r.

  3. Hi Michael. I use Tetenal Ultrafin liquid and for dilution 1:20 @ 20deg the time is 12 minutes for T-max 100 (for hand tank development). I use frequency of reversing tank for first minute 1-2 seconds and then about half minute. I am satisfied with results, I did some enlargements up to 30x40cm and it was good. Otherwise, if You will be asking in pro store for developer, ask for developers for delta crystal films.

    :) r.

  4. Hello. I am not pro and I have not so much expirience, but I had some time ago similar problem (to choose developer). The problem for me was to find developer which can be used for both delta and pan films. I choose Tetenal Ultrafin liquid developer and found it very good. It means, that I was surprised by results. i use mainly Kodak T-max and Fuji Neopan Acros, which are really different kinds of films, and results were good for both. I did enlargements up to 30x40 cm (cca 12x16inch) and they looks out fine. But I like more grain in photos, so my opinion is relative. I use rest of chemicals from Ilford, also for enlargment, but developer for films Tetenal, and I can recommend it as cofident shoot. But be aware, it is expensive one. r.
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