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Image Comments posted by windsor

    Liquid Air


    Personally, I agree whole heartedly with Jeff Spirer, who said it best. I also started out agreeing with Tris, before it became personal and non-related.

    It's just that it reminds me of photos I myself take with my digital camera. And they're boring. Pretty colors, but fundamentally not about anything. Like a painting by Mondrian (and I don't like him either, even if his work is famous).

    There's a place for work like this. I really like William Morris' wallpaper prints. They're great wallpapers (like the stuff that covers your walls, not your computer screen) if you like busy wallpapers designed in the late 1800s. But there simply aren't many people who want to take a square of wallpaper and hang it on their walls. They want a picture of *something* on their walls. So they choose something else. Does that mean that William Morris was a bad designer? Does that mean that this is a bad image? No. But I wouldn't be excited to take this picture, and am not that excited to look at it.

    I would add constructive criticism, like "crop out X" or "The light seems a bit harsh in the left corner", but I can't. It's hard to be constructive about John Tesh music either, it's just so vapid. Some people pay good money to see him in concert. I am not one of those people.

    If you are one of those people, stand proud. You'll make a bigger target :)

    hey, calm down! That was a joke!

    Bloody Nose


    Taken one afternoon at the park, using available light (no fill flash), which was bright sun filtered through a canopy of leaves. I really like how the Kodak Portra B&W looks like real B&W film, only easier. This was taken with a Nikon N80 and a cheapo Nikon zoom. Didn't record the settings (matrix metering and aperture priority -- this was right before someone stepped on the baby's head and we all went into crisis mode (the baby was fine), but that's another story).


    1. D'ya think it's a tad bit overexposed?


    2. Do you like the picture? I'm looking for straight, unmetered feedback on the photo itself, ie, "I like it and would like to see this on my wall," or "Wow. Reminds me of 'Family of Man'" or "Boring snapshot, uninspired," or "yikes! call the cops!" So...?

    Glencoe, Scotland

    I like the photo -- too bad the scan isn't better. The branches are nice, yes, and I like the farmhouse looking like it's nervously peeking out on a dangerous world. Very interesting.
  1. Looks like a nice place, but the picture lacks something. I think the colors could do with some more saturation, and perhaps a bit more light. I also think the image would be improved with better DOF. The trees aren't as sharp as I would have liked to have seen... and I don't think you would have lost anything by letting the water become that silky texture with a long exposure. On the positive side, I think your composition is excellent. Good location and angle. The same picture with more color (like with some Velvia) and better DOF would be happy hanging on my wall.
  2. My first reaction was a shrug, but after a few minutes staring at it, I really like it. A lot. I'm usually pretty pleased with POWs, but this one speaks to me.

    The timing is great, yeah... it captures the action, blah, blah, blah. I love the composition of this photograph. With everything going on, and all those colors (the socks -- yikes!), everything focuses on the ball. There's the players walking forward from the back, and the two fighting in the middle and there, right in the middle, is the object of it all: the ball. There are distinct forces pulling in a number of directions (I count five), all of which revolve around the ball. It's a delicious point of tension. I could almost get philosophical about it.

    While it may be a good action shot, I think it's an all-around good shot. Compositionally, very nice. Hearty congrats.

  3. Very interesting picture, and nice description. You handled the light well, with the reflected sunlight lighting the whole scene, but the individual bulbs drawing attention to smaller areas. This begs to be followed up with close-ups of people, tents, food. Very good expositional documentary photography.
  4. I'm hardly one to talk, but this photo feels like it's a background in search of a subject. It happens to my nature photos all the time, my wife looks at them and says, "It's nice, but what is it supposed to be a picture *of*?"


    Is it the cliffs? The trees? The sky? Nothing dominates, or calls attention to itself. Where is my drawn? I need something to latch on to. Else give me some bold contrast, and fight for my attention. All the details here seem to receed, nothing steps forward (so to speak).

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