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Image Comments posted by jdc

  1. those who speak as experts but offer no evidence lack credibility.

    As for the picture...

    I like the composition and the selective toneing (sp?), but I don't think the grain helps.

    Meanwhile, I'm removing all my photographs from public display.

  2. This place needs this kind of work.

    I guy who helped organize a yearly music festival here in mi would say "don't give them what they want. give them what they need."

    He wasn't asked back and the festival is now a commercial success, but it's still good advice.

  3. I would like to see this in a vignette or with the light rapidly falling off both left and right. This would 'push' the garment ont he floor and the curtain into more secondary roles. Presently the figure doesn't dominate as much as the pose might sugest.

    Regardless of my comment, I think this is an inspiring, and really good photo.


    I think the idea/subject matter is interesting. I would keep the harsh light coming from the window(?) and illuminate one of the beasts in the foreground. Make the illuminated beast the focus of the shot and reduce the the dof for the remainder.
  4. "I was relaxing with my buddies having a beer when this misty cloud formation appeared"

    For those bitching that it looks like a snap shot, the photographer says as much.

    For those bitching that his other photos are much better -- most every POW is not as good as something in the photographers photo.net portfolio, or at least to read the comments that is what you'd believe.

    My 2cents regarding this photo...

    I'll go with the velvia advert comment (which for a snap shot i would think is pretty good).


    I like this picture very much. If I could make one suggestion it would be to have multiple light sources from above - so that there would be a lattice work of shadows beneath the woman. This would also work with the directional nature of the curtains and the implied theatric motif. I guess this is a round about way of saying the shadow of the woman as it is (behind and heavy) does not work for me.

    All in all very good job!



    I love the idea! The use of a short focal length makes the hand appear very large causing it

    to compete with the torso. Unfortunately (to my

    eys)The shallow DOF leaves the hand out of focus. I would have everything in focus or

    only the hand. The detail and size of the hand

    would be such a great counterpoint to the smooth modeling of the torso.



    I knew this picture was taken with Kodak film

    For most of what I shoot Fuji SUCKS. Or maybe my photos suck and if I spent more time looking at who made my film instead of trying to use film that fit my usage I'd be better off. I had a teacher tell me that there are no bad [fill in the blank]only bad applications of the [fill in the blank]. This picture does not suffer from bad film. It is slightly over exposed - maybee.

    Meanwhile, the photo is very good, if not amazing for what it is. You could focus all day long on home plate and not catch this shoot. It is 1-part luck, and 10-parts guts. How many would have hesitated, unsure, and lost the shot?

    I once worked for a guy who said "no one notices if a restaurant is clean but they'll come for miles to tell you its dirty."

    There are a lot of weeks in a year...

    The POW's generaly offer a lot

    Try learning


    Set the fire earlier in the day, around sunset/sunrise (unless you live in an area were the fire dept. realy slow), so that you can combine subject with the best light of the day.
  5. I think it is original/creative as well as interesting to look at. I don't know if the model needed greater illumination or if (my

    preference) the background needed to be lighter, but something needs to be done to differentiate the two. If the

    background was cooler (maybe a med to light value blue or green) the background, nor the model values would need to

    change. The model's accessories don't make a lot of sense in the context of the overall image. I do think this is a good

    picture, I am only focusing on the aspects that I think could be improved.

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