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Posts posted by mike_lancaster

  1. I apologize in advance for the amateur question...


    I have a Graflex shutter on my Crown Graphic with a 135mm Ektar lens mounted

    within. I also have a Kodak Flash Supermatic Shutter with 203mm Ektar lens than

    I mailed off this morning for a CLA. Now, the question is: Can I mount the

    203mm lens in the Graflex shutter without any negative consequences? I

    understand I need to come up with a new f/stop scale, since the 203mm lens is

    f:7.7. Is there anything else I need to consider other than that? The lens

    screws into the shutter without any problems. I was just curious if there might

    be an issue with the distance between the front and rear elements. It focuses

    fine on the ground glass.


    Thanks in advance.



  2. I recommend the Slideprinter in Denver, CO. I just had a 4x5 Provia slide enlarged (makes a great Christmas present, matted and framed) via mail order. The print is exceptional. These guys are professional, fast, and they're friendly too.


    I live in Madison, WI now, but I lived in Denver for seven years. I used to go in there all the time. I can recommend them without hesitation.


    <a href="http://www.theslideprinter.com/">Slideprinter</a>

  3. A friend of mine who just so happens to be an amazing 78 year old mountaineer

    and photographer allowed me to borrow his old Lunasix, and said that he doesn't

    use it anymore. He told me that if I wanted it, I could "just give him a few

    bucks for it". It's been tested/calibrated and it's spot on. I'm just

    wondering how much money I should give him. It's at the very least 20 years

    old, but it's in perfect shape. I don't know how much these things go for. I

    would check on ebay but the company I'm doing contract work for blocks their

    site. Anyway, what do you guys and gals think a fair price for this lightmeter

    would be? He's such a nice guy, and I always enjoy talking photography with

    him. He was also a co-worker of mine for a while at the REI in Denver, CO. So

    I want to be generous.

  4. Wow. I didn't mean to cause an uproar here. For the record, you can't just say "any bag will do", because that's just not true. I was more interested in finding a bag that fits properly around a TLR, which will keep it tight and padded. My Father gave me the camera, and he's suffering from a very bad form of brain cancer right now, and I'd like to keep it safe and secure. It's sort of a family heirloom to me. I don't mean to drop the C word like that, just trying to give you guys an idea why I don't just want "any bag".


    Thanks again.

  5. I did a search, but couldn't find any info or recommendations for

    camera bags that work well with a TLR. I would prefer it if I could

    find a LowePro, because I've had good luck with their stuff. Anyone

    have any suggestions?


    Thanks, and have a great weekend everyone.



  6. Taras,



    This example is Agfa Scala processed at dr5, so it is a B&W slide. And this particular slide is of low contrast, so your explanation makes sense.


    Here is an example of a color slide that shows vertical streaking as well, but it is much more subdued. The streaks are noticeable at the bottom center, on the green fleece jacket.



    <a href="http://greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl? msg_id=004UkB">Color slide</a>



    Thanks for the help all!

  7. I took some slides over to Reed Imaging in Denver last week to have

    them scanned. Today I received the scans on CD, and I'm not happy at

    all. There is a wealth of streaking in the photos. I need to figure

    out if this is the result of a bad scan, or the camera itself

    (Yashicamat 124). The camera is new to me, and it's the first time

    I've had any of my slides scanned from this camera. The slides look

    GREAT on the light table. I see NO streaking whatsoever. However,

    the scans looks atrocious! Am I missing something? Any ideas




    <a href="http://greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?

    msg_id=004UkB">Here is the photo...</a>


    The example pic is also in my profile. Thanks for your time.

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