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Image Comments posted by perole

    Vai Candy

    First, I think the original picture must be great. Your alterations are very good imo, except for one thing - the glare by his left hand. To me, that is enough. But I like the rest.


    This looks like the worst side of flash at a close distance. The shadows, the harsh light and the blown reds on the flowers, are all because of the flash. There is also a black thing in the lower left corner that should have been removed. Try without the flash, use some lamps, or whatever, to get an even light and try again. If you have a tripod, that will be the best.


    A very dramatic motive, but your HDR treatment is way out of whack. You have chosting and halos everywhere, and the tonality isn't good. Especially around the house's edges - a typical place for halos - it is too obvious.


    This looks to me like a good picture photoshopped to death. It looks like you masked the bg and blurred it. If you had fixed the joints between the eagle and the bg, it could have been ok. Now it doesn't work at all imo.
  1. I would have startetd out using a higher speed and a wider aperture if possible. Sharpness is the main problem here, and higher speed is one way to achí¥¶e it. The yellow cast isn't very pleasing either. You can work on that in levels or something similar. You can also loose some of the cage and reserve more space for the bird. Now it looks quite cramped for him.

    J.C. #8

    The technical stuff isn't all there (some burned out highligts, looks grainy), but sharpness and his pose is great, and the green cast is ok. I would have tried a vertical crop, and you should get rid of the stuff under his microphone.
  2. I remember Rock Bottom from The Silver King Band. We sent a live concert with them on national TV sometime in the 80's, and I remember our ambasador to USA had to apologize to Ronald Reagan because they dedicated My Balls Get Blue From Loving You to his wife, Nancy!


    If you check my portfolio, you will see some pictures of Vidar Busk, who started his carreer playing with Rock from when Vidar was 16 years old.

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