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ruined for life

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Image Comments posted by ruined for life

    Kiss Me Here


    Gregory - thank you also for taking a stab at this in PS... and John, for the additional explanation of how you did this. I will certainly take a stab at doing the same on my own - absolutely agree that the reworked composition makes the image much stronger (and Gregory, I like the dodging/burning on the couple a lot - definitely draws the focus there more). Cheers to you both!

    Kiss Me Here


    John - you get the award of the 'most over-the-top-awesome' feedback and comment... I can't believe you took the time to adjust the image! I agree- that composition is much more preferable (how did you manage to do that in PS by the way - the bench/couple moving I get, but did you have to 'create' the rest of the rock that they are blocking?

    Anyway, i was/am torn on doing the same (or attempting it) - this was not a posed shot, and I don't know this couple. I was actually set-up on a tripod to try to run to the bench and get a shot of me - and while I was framing, this couple just walked into frame, struck this pose, and was off - was lucky to get this one off, but didn't have the time or wits to hop left to move the composition angle. 

    Agree it makes for a much stronger image though... cheers for the feedback and work! (and if you do see this - I really wouldn't mind knowing how you did that in PS!) Thanks again, John - cheers.



    Please tell me this is a photoshopped image... otherwise, I hate the ridiculous luck and skill this took to get a flying bee perfectly in-focus with a stationary bee. Either way - great image!

  1. Thanks for the feedback, Pierre... yes, was hoping to increase the sense of isolation by making the barrenness of the surrounding sand at low-tide the contrast-point for the island. 

    Thorleif - actually, you made me realize I uploaded the wrong image! In the one I have made prints of, I did photoshop out the figure center, and family below the castle... the double-image of the former is because this is an HDR blend of 3 exposures to get the full detail in the clouds, castle, and sand. Good catch! Thanks for the feedback!

    Foggy Park


    Agree completely with the above... even in thumbnail size, the lighting/moodiness is what drew me to click on it, and the eerie/somber lighting is well exposed. I wish there was something more than the bridge as a subject... but it's not always possible to convince a stranger to stand in your frame in the middle of the night, no? :) Well done. (What would have been perfect, by the way, is a person with a shovel and a large, ominous, dark bag at their feet, no? haha!)

  2. It's a nice image - the church is framed well. But I'm almost torn in asking what the subject is of the picture - if the church, maybe less DOF would give us some more detail there. If the stone in the front - perhaps more of it to give us an idea of what it is would be interesting (can't tell if it is a fence, or tombstone, or something else?). Just my two cents - nice image though!

    River of Life


    Thanks for the feedback, Michael - glad the selective 'colorization' seemed to work for you, and interesting note about the rock lower-left... hadn't even really noticed it much, but can see what you mean. Hard to crop out (or photoshop), but might be worth attempting - as this was captured from my passing raft and didn't have much in terms of re-composing options! Really appreciate the feedback though- cheers!



    Brilliant light, composition, color/mood and model... I love the flow the chair brings to the model pose as well. Fantastic job!



    It feels a bit empty in the foreground.. and although you've got some rocks to break that up, if the real subject is the baobab trees... get closer! They look like amazing trees... give us a closer look! I love baobabs :)

    Ta Prom Cambodia


    Thank you for the time and extremely useful critique... I'll play around with the distortion in lightroom. Part of the tradeoff in angling up (apart from getting the treetops more in view) was also the reality that, since the last time I went back, the freaking 'restoration' project put up a huge, ugly, wooden platform front and center in front of the tree for tourists to take their picture on. Totally ruins the mystery of the scene... you can still see some of the wood-posts in the bottom of the frame from this... and apart from getting higher (also hard/not possible from this vantage), the only way to cut it out is by angling up. 

    I really appreciate the critique though... thank you!

  3. Too dark? I'm trying to be true with minimal post-processing, and this light-level is

    more reflective of what my eyes actually saw... but is it too dark? Thoughts/critiques




    Thanks, Alf - I had wanted to draw attention to her face, and the 'brightness' of this seemingly out-of-place object: a gaudy yellow cellphone, being used by a monk in a traditional habit. But I like the idea of playing some more with just accentuating the face. Really appreciate the feedback. Great portfolio, by the way!

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