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Image Comments posted by larsmith

  1. On April 19th, 2009 in Lexington, MA, over 200 men and women, most of

    whom were military and/or police, both active and retired, met on The

    Green to re-affirm their oaths and to state publicly that should any

    administration, currrent or future, issue to your military or to our

    peace officers an order ti disarm civilians, they will consider the

    order to be an unconstitutional order and will not obey that order.

    For more clear details, see Oath-Keepers.BlogSpot.Com

  2. Memories of my family fade far too quickly and that hurts far more

    than I can tell ... and far worse than you can imagine, if you don't

    have the same memory problems which I've dealt with for years.


    This woman is beautifu and your handling of the photo makes a very appealing story-photo. Cropping / DOF works well, far as I'm concerned. Beautiful lady, beautiful work


    Ma'am, from the looks of the photo, I'd have to say that "just" is not a good bed-fellow with the word "me" in this instance !! Very complimentary photo of you.

    Distant Fire


    Cheyenne won 1st runner up for Model Search, won first place for smile

    and for attire. This photo was the one photo that the judges believed

    should NOT be in her portfolio but was. What do you think ?



    Some people are born with natural gifts, whether it be a gift in

    music, architecture or providing medical care. Some are blessed with

    confidence, poise and beauty. This model is 13 only years old yet

    carries herself with a very becoming confidence that's not entirely

    common with models with many more years experience than this girl has.

    What a privilege to shoot this photo for her portfolio.

  3. This incredibly amazing shot leaves me wondering how evolutionary theorists explain the beauty they see here. We see the layers, supposedly laid down over millions ( billions ? ) of years, with swirls of different colored grains of sand transversing them !! This beauty looks like powerful flood waters laid it down, buried it and then abandoned it so we can sit in awe, taking in its story and beauty.

    The Wave

    Amazing how this rock feature looks like the sedimentary layers laid down by flood / tsunami waters !! How deep would the water have to be to lead to such wide-spread sedimentation ? Gives new meaning to a picture being worth a thousand words. Excellent shot.


    Six for Unique & five for Aesthetics. Very eye-catching. This is a photo I wish I'd taken myself and it gives me ideas of what I could try in the future. THANK YOU for presenting this photo to us.

    The Wave

    I absolutely love photos of these rock formations, as they beg the sanity and integrity of those "scientists" who state as fact that layer upon layer is evidence of sedimentation over millions and billions of years. I wanna know how they explain how THIS rock formation could have been formed over billions of years, but rather that it was rapidly formed & solidified as we see it here.
  4. I went to The General Store Antique shop in DeKalb Junction, NY to see

    if I could find anything interesting to shoot. Sadly, tho many things

    were beautifully arranged, price stickers were either stuck on or hung

    by a tiny string from all the items. My son was not as inhibited by

    these minor details and was enthralled by what he say and presented me

    with an unexpected and priceless opportunity. Enjoy.

    The Details


    I've been pleased to note that, of 180 plus photos I posted on another

    website in which I participate, that some have found this picture note

    worthy. It reflects this photographer's attention to details, a very

    important part of the formula for having happy bride / groom and their

    respective families.

    Dejected Elf

    The gravel is the end of the road for this hike ... literally. It was the end of the long lane which led up into and out of the woods. This little boy was tired and yet had this one last up-hill stretch to go.

    Miriam's Leaf


    My daughter, showing off for the camera and wanting her beautiful leaf

    to be in the picture as well. Must be the Mulan modesty coming out in

    her as she hides behind her leafy fan.

    Dejected Elf


    My son after a tiring trek thru the woods near Star Lake, NY. He

    enjoyed running and playing with his sister, climbing on massive

    bolders and hiding among the ferns.



    Please find attached a photo that I found in the TopPhotos list this morning. I was struck by the similarities of the wall structures in this photo and that which is also attached. Tho it is apparent that water carved these walls, it is mind boggling to think of how deep the water was which carved this canyon in the sand stone. It would give "flood waters" a whole new meaning, especially in these desert conditions. Check out the following photo and let me know what you think.


    The photo is from :




    The fish way


    With a degree of fear and trepidation, I submit the following photo for consideration. I rarely am so bold as to suggest changes, let alone post my ideas of what could be done differently. Please accept that this is done respectfully and with no desire to appear "critical".



    The more I study bolders and rock formations such as these, the more I see what appears to be evidence that they've been carved out and/or deposited where they are by water. How could this be possible ? These rocks are many feet above sea level. It appears as tho the curvature of these wrocks are not solely wind / rain erosion but show signs generally only seen where there's large volumes of water, like @ sea level or beneath a water falls. It's amazing the story that rocks have to tell.
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