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Image Comments posted by crob2go


    Nice photo like perspective and tone.....How long did you have to hang around to get that picture with no one in that hall way?


    love the idea and the picture. Outstanding 7/7. I think the girl should have been reduced to fit entirly into the magnifing glass. None the less still outstanding.....C-Rob
  1. Hi Peter, Did read your comment,as a matter of fact I read it several times. I can understand this photo taking you on trip down memory lane, It does for me as well. I worked in the twin towers for Verizon, aka Bell Atlantic, aka NYNEX, aka NY Telephone for 23 years. I took a job transfer in the year 2000 that had me working directly acrooss the street at 140 West St. That is where I was on 9/11 @ 8:49. Yeah I got memories also. This photo was taken from an outbound ferry to Staten Islnad. Even years later the skyline of NY will never be the same without the towers there for me. Thanks again for the comment.....Craig
  2. This collage of pictures show different period of time in my

    life,along with moods, personalities and ideals that make up me. At

    one time I considered myself wayout to the right over time I'm more

    to the left. Any comments welcomed.

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