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Image Comments posted by edoardo.g

  1. Let me say that I find this one amazing. I don't know why but it attracts me. Thanks a lot for your words, you are always very kind. I've been very busy lately and I'm also a bit lazy.. Regards, Edoardo


    Good composition and good use of B&W as always. I pick the opportunity for wishing you all the best and a merry Christmas. Regards, Edoardo

    Jack Jack Jack

    Perfetta! La nave, le onde, il muro, la scritta, tutto perfettamente composto. Mi piace molto. E ne approfitto anche per farti i miei migliori auguri di buon Natale e felice anno nuovo! Saluti, Edoardo


    I like the vertical cuts and when the subjects are so unbalanced. All this blue of the sky contributes to value the tiny strip of earth. Lovely the contrast between the tyre & the moon. Regards, Edoardo
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