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Image Comments posted by joeharrison

  1. Hi Tom - Great shot & interesting portfolio. Personally, I wouldn't do anything to this shot. Well aged. Will be interesting to see what others have to say.

    Thanks for commenting on my untitled "Gandalf". Much appreciated.

    Regards - Joe

  2. Hello Niels - A great abstract. Your use of B&W and color works very well. The mirrored reflections draw one into the image and the subject matter is very interesting.

    Regards - Joe Harrison



    Hi Cal - I really like the lighting, color and saturation in this shot. Have you considered cropping the people out, and tops of vehicles from further back?

    Regards - Joe



    Hello Tim - Great shot. Just a thought though. You could consider cropping out the shadow and rock at the bottom and just a slight crop on the right to take that last little rock out at the edge. Above the rock, on the road, there's a small "apostrophe" looking light spot that my eye goes to. I would remove that.

    Hope you find this helpful - Joe


  3. Hi Jake - Great shot.  Just a thought, but what if you cropped just enough out of the right hand side to retain most of the water in the bottom of the shot? That could possibly bring the upper falls more into the viewers attention as well. That's exactly what happened when I placed an envelope over the right side of the shot, just covering the tip of the large rock. The water is slowed down perfectly. Too bad you'd have to loose a bit.

    Regards - Joe 

    Routine Cleaning


    Hi Paul - Found that the lighting, sharpness/texture, color, saturation, and so on are perfect when viewed as large as possible. In my humble opinion, if you cropped out everything that was unnecessary and removed the white specks out of the water you would have a small masterpiece. Really great shot!!!

    Best Regards - Joe Harrison


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