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Posts posted by starkitty

  1. I use my two step ladder for most formals since I'm small and shooting from above flatters. I also use it for a few shots at the reception, especially wide shots of the dance floor from above. It can get a little dangerous there though. I agree about the eysore point. As hard as I try to tuck the ladder in some corner, it always end up in a few shots. Kids love it too!
  2. Mary,


    I don't have an exclusive photographer clause in my contract except for the ceremony and formals ( before I did a man almost knocked me over during the recessionals!) I thought an exclusive photographer clause for the entire event sounded ridiculous until I had a run in recently. The sister of the bride was a pro photographer, and she doled out her two extra canon 20d bodies to friends. She and her crew ignored my request to be the sole photographer during the ceremony and shot over my shoulder during the formals, even after repeated requests not to. Did I pack up and leave? No. Did I want to punch her? YES.


    I was fighting for position with these people the entire night, and I think it did affect the quality of my composition. The bride and groom talked with her several times, and she would not quit. So my only option would have been to nip it in the bud and leave during the formals when I was covered in my contract.


    The fact that you are even concerned about the pros policies makes you way more considerate than the woman in my story, but just put yourself in her shoes. The man that almost knocked me over in the aisle during the recessionals told me he would stay out of my way, so if you come to an agreement with the photographer please abide by it. I love Al's rangefinder idea! By the way, the day feel I need an exclusive photographer clause for an entire event is the day I will be pursuing another career. But the bottom line is that it was the brides choice in hiring!

  3. I really like a lot of the photos and I share favorites with previous posters. The clutter doesn't bother me so much, as it conveys what happened that day - a crowded, happy celebration attended by hundreds. If eevery shot were cluttered, it would bother me, but that isn't the case. Nice work!
  4. My biggest problem at first was getting distracted while editing my photos and poor scheduling. I still try to be somewhat flexible with scheduling of my portait sessions, but if I am not phtographing a wedding on a given weekend, I will definitely take the whole weekend off. I also reserve at least two Sundays a month to visit with my family - it has helped a lot! I think I could get away with a 40- 45 hour work week with the right discipline.
  5. Last Saturday was the first time I haven't been fed, and I was hurting after 8 hours. I seriously thought about ordering a pizza. It's bad enough being hungry, but smelling all that yummy food really brings it home! I won't forget a power bar next time (yuck) just in case.


    Sometimes you have to realize that you are considered "the help"

  6. I hardly take time to eat during a wedding shoot, let alone run around town to get a print made. If the bride's mother wants something to display at the reception, perhaps she should consider an engagement and/or bridal portrait session scheduled about a month before the wedding day. She'll have the finished print in plenty of time, and the photographer won't be forced to miss any once in a lifetime moments.
  7. Stephanie,


    I started my by shooting for a relative on a very fixed budget, then I used those photos for portfolio examples. I posted my services for a VERY low rate on craigslist, and built up from there. There is no shortage of couples on a budget out there, so you shouldn't have a problem picking up a few jobs that will build your portfolio. If your work in other areas of photography is good, getting that first job without wedding examples could be easier than you think. A website is a must from the beginning as well:)

  8. Last year I was on the way home from a wedding an got rear ended by a family member of the groom. Luckily the accident was minor, but he got out of the car and could hardly stand! While I was waiting for the police, the mother of the groom and a bunch of bridesmaids arrived. The whole thing was kind of akward, so I'm glad the man pled guilty so I didn't have to testify. When I looked at the pictures, there were so many where this guy was obviusly drunk - I usually don't concentrate on that kind of subject matter, but some weddings are just like that! Definitely small stuff compared to some of the things mentioned on this thread.
  9. Aaron,


    They did change the promotion after a couple of months - I know this because I ordered an 8x12 at the 50% price at the beginning of the year. The representative told me they changed the promo because they were losing too much money. The orders didn't start pouring in until last month, and now I have problems.

  10. They have given me nothing but problems as well. I'm looking at www.whiteweddingalbum.com and asukabook.com for alternates. I've been emailing and calling graphistudio for a month about a single order and their customer service is terrible! None of my clients ask for graphistdio books by name, just "coffee table books" so I'm in the market for a quality book WITH good customer service. My 2007 offerings don't include graphistudio:)
  11. Allegra,


    I had the WORST customer service experience with GraphiStudio my second time ordering with them. It turns out they changed their 50% off promotion to exclude the 8x12 size. They didn't send out an email about the change, so now I have five orders I have to take a loss on. I emailed them three times during a week about an order and only got a response when I called. The representative was very condescending.

    The quality of their books is outstanding, but since my recent experience I am going to focus on asukabook for my albums. I will still offer Graphistudio, but at a much higher price, since their customer service is terrible, and their 50% promo wil be ending eventually anyhow. Graphistudio designed an innovatitve product and then dropped the ball!

  12. Hi - I don't think this question qualifies as lighting but I don't know where

    else to post it. I am trying to setup a studio in a small room ( 12x13)

    Luckily the ceiling is 12'. I want the ability to take full length portraits (

    can back out of the room some with my 30mm on a Canon 20 d) I want to use

    seamless paper for my background, but 53" is to small and 107" is too large!

    Do they make anything in between, and where can I find it?



  13. I like photoreflect.com. It's free (besides the e-commerce fee)Prepare to wait on the phone for a while if you ever need customer service, though. I enjoy the fact that you can design your own packages and do your own fufillment.
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