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Posts posted by ian_scholey

  1. Hi,


    A custom printer profile may help to remove these color casts. This effectively calibrates out tints all the way through the tonal range. If you have a look at my web site below this may help. We have developed a profile specifically intended for B+W. Quad Tone RIP is another alternative but does have a bit of a learning curve.


    I assume you have tried the paper specific canned profiles form the paper suppliers ?





  2. I have been spending some time generating .icc softproofing profiles

    from QTR, an excellent bit of software.


    I realised that you can use softproofing, and eventual conversion as

    a way to generate B+W images from color images.


    Essentialy you need to turn on softproofing and select a QTR profile,

    the image goes B+W. Now apply a Hue / Saturation Layer and tune to

    taste. A curves adjustment layer allows contrast tuning too.


    Added a page to my web site to describe it in more detail.




    I am now experementing with some toned profiles.


    Is it possible that you can use ImagePrint profiles in the same way ?





  3. Peter,


    Are you using PS softproofing ?


    If you are printing on matte paper you will loose shadow detail compared to gloss paper. With an accurate printer profile you should see the effect on the shadows when you turn the proof on.


    Some say the 2100 is a bit prone to blocked up shadows, compared to a newer 2400 - but I guess this doesnt help you.


    I have found rel col rendering will also block up shadows more than perceptual.


    A custom profile will also help, as I doubt its your screen calibration. Although its worth noting that a bright screen will give the impression of lighter shadows.


    Ian - http://profiles.colourperfect.co.uk

  4. I tend to stick with Rel Col. rendering unless I am printing b+w.


    Also remember that some of the canned profiles that come with the 2100/2200 are not upto much. You may need to consider custom profiles.


    Green prints could point towards a blocked Magenta ink nozzle


    Also do you have the PhotoBlack cartridge fitted, rather than Matte Black ?





  5. In order to be able generate reasonable quality B+W prints you will need to calibrate the printer / paper combinations with a custom printer profile. Neither the R800 or the ip8500 have dedicated B+W functionality (like the Epson 2400). Calibration will probably get you 95% to perfection, with these printers. It is likely that you will get a slight tint, just depends whether this bothers you. If it does you will need a 2400 or one of the HP's that have dedicated grey cartridges.


    Have a look here for custom printer profiles that are designed to improve B+W performance





  6. The other important piece of the jigsaw is to understand that as printers come of the production line they are different. The nozzles on the print heads will all be slightly different therefore putting different amounts of the coloured inks. Now if you are lucky your printer will be close to the one say epson used for its profiles. However some printers will be significantly different. If you profile your printer then you measure its performance an correct for the manufacturing variations.


    Ian - www.colourperfect.co.uk & http://profiles.colourperfect.co.uk

  7. Johnny,


    I have been profiling my 2100 as well as a 7600 for several years with very good results and am based in the UK.


    My profiles have a number of post creation quality checks that should ensure optimum results. These include softproof analysis of special test images which have successfully identified 'rouge' profiles in the past.


    My intial proce is UKP 14 so feel free to contact me for some more information at info@colourperfect.co.uk.


    My website www.colourperfect.co.uk will be up in a few days



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