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Posts posted by jonj

  1. Julie,


    I use two Nikon D 80's and have used the 18-135mm for formals and I use aperture priority but it does not really matter with this lens if you use aperture priority or program. The reason is it's not designed for low light where you would want to keep the aperture at it's widest opening.


    Leave it at 18mm don't zoom it at all the lens has issues getting enough light when you zoom in. Also if you don't buy an external flash and your taking photos inside you will need to take the lens hood off when shooting vertical as it will cast a shadow in the picture.


    I would shoot the formals outside in a place with little direct sunlight and if you are just using the pop-up flash or an external flash adjust either one for fill flash. If you can shoot in RAW as long as you can convert the files to JPEG and set the iso to 100.


    Your biggest problem is the ceremony that lens is going to struggle indoors. If you have the money for a 85mm f1.8 ($360.00) it would help you during the ceremony and give you a great portrait lens.

  2. I used to shoot JPEG but this year I'm all RAW. My reason is the detailed adjustments RAW allows you to make. In JPEG if I adjust contrast the results are a bit harsh. To give you an example I use Lightroom and if I select Direct Positive on a JEPG the results are way to contrasty and saturated. Make the same adjustment on a RAW file and it's not as harsh.
  3. I don't use a flash bracket and that could be the problem as well. I can see the point of the slim side of the flash vs the wide producing more light on the subject. That does seem like a logical solution. I would love to post a photo but after 700 images shot two days ago it may take me a few days to post one. I will repost the topic showing the photos taken.


    Thanks again

  4. I noticed something odd at my last wedding when bouncing the SB 800 off of the

    ceiling. When I shoot Horizontal with the flash pointing straight at the

    ceiling the flash exposes properly.


    When shooting vertical with the flash still aimed at the ceiling the exposure

    is under a fair amount even when firing direct at the subject.


    Has anyone else had this issue when changing from horizontal to vertical.


    My setting where TTL on the flash. The camera was Manual iso 800 1/30th f3.5.

    The lens was a Tokina Fisheye.

  5. Michael,


    It sounds like what you are saying about your's is the same as mine. I do have the tripod mount on mine and the noise does come from that front element.



  6. When I tilt my 80-200mm straight up I hear a little clunk like the glass is

    shifting slightly. The lens is only a year old and works great It has taken

    close to 30,000 images and does get heavy use but not abused. Otherwise I have

    no problems with the lens.


    Is this just the lens getting broken in?



  7. I bought a K10 over a year ago and had the same issue I posted on this forum and on the DP forum and found several other people had similar problems.


    I took the camera back and switched to the Nikon D80. My personal thoughts on what was wrong with the camera is that it had to do with the shake reduction not locking in place causing the sensor to move slightly.


    I also noticed that the K10 had problems locking the focus on the subject often it would beep like you said as if the subject was in focus and looking thru the view finder it was way out of focus.


    Good luck!

  8. David is right you can only use AFS lenses on the D40. Building off of the D40 is hard. There is a big jump from f1.4 to f2.8. I would say the 18-50mm because atleast you could do some portraits at 50mm and at 18mm it would do well during the reception.


    The 30mm is fast at f1.4 so if you need the lens for the church and can use a flash during the reception get the 30mm and use the kit at 18mm during the reception with flash.


    If your going for all available light then you will need the versatility of the 18-55.


    Good luck!

  9. Thanks,


    No it was manual I went between 1/100th and 1/125th. There is no way I could have shot this Aperture priority the spotlights really throw the metering off.


    The manual white balance was the key I looked at some photos by another photographer for the Charlotte Observer and they where very muddy and poor contrast but she had a $5,000 lens no excuse! The photos should still be up at www.charlotte.com just look for the story on Obama.



    Here is one more..<div>00OrP6-42407784.jpg.c746e10ac042b33e574a2f52083b1b88.jpg</div>

  10. I am a wedding photographer and also shoot spot news for a small local paper.

    On Wednesday I was granted a press pass to the Sen Obama Town Hall meeting.

    I rolled in with my two D80s and my 80-200mm f2.8


    I have shot mayoral debates a few times but this was a bit different that said

    the D80s did a wonderful job and I truly think that they are up to pro level.


    I attached a few shots they where taken at iso 800 1/100th f2.8 with the 80-

    200mm manual white balance.<div>00OrOL-42407584.jpg.3ecdef31791b21967b2b73f742fe0332.jpg</div>

  11. One bride made my day when she emailed me and said "I cried this morning not a bad cry but a good cry".


    Here is an email I just got regarding a bridal session "Oh my goodness.. they are BEAUTIFUL!!!! I love them all except for a couple.. a few of the ones I took towards the end I could tell I was cold, but other than that they are great!! Thank you so much... and you did a great job with removing the tatoo, but even the ones with the tatoo look good.. they add



    It was cold that day and wind gust up to 30mph! she drove over 2 hours so we went with the shoot. It was the worst conditions to do a bridal shoot.

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