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Posts posted by ben___6

  1. I'm working with a custom built (by someone else) setup that includes

    a D60 connected to a Metz 20 BC-6 with a submini cable. I would like

    to swap that metz out with a 550EX. Anyone know of a way to go from

    the submini connector to the EX? I've looked for a female submini to

    PC cord, or a female submini to hotshoe cord, but haven't found anything.


    Any help is appreciated--I just haven't worked with flashes until now.

  2. Does fixer test solution identify fixer that is too old in addition to fixer that is too used? I've got some fix that has been around longer than 2 months in a less-than-full bottle. However, while I know that the test solution will tell me if it has too much silver in it to be effective, I don't know if it will tell me if its too old (too much oxidation?).









  3. I started developing my own B/W several months ago. However, I've spent the last month or so on printing and haven't done any development. Now I want to do some more development, but am wary about the usefulness of the chemicals.




    I have a 3/4 full bottle of TMAX developer, kodak rapid fix and kodak stop bath. These were bought around 2/1/00 and last used maybe 3/1.




    I would suspect the fix and stop is ok, but what about the developer? Last thing I want is to ruin the rolls because I'm not developing often enough and have let the chem go bad.









  4. I've recently been exploring the compact RF's from the 70's looking for a cheap pocket camera with some quality to it. Also want to try RF and don't want to carry my F3 everywhere.




    My web research led me to look at the Canon QL17, Minolta 9, Yashica Electro GSW and others, but all take the PX625 mercury battery, which is no longer available in the states...




    So, I've read endless debate over the usefulness of the various alternatives...wein zinc-air, 1.5 alkalines, mr-9 adapter, etc. Only one that seems reasonable performance-wise is the mr-9 adapter, but I'm looking to pick up this camera in the < $40 range and don't want to spend $30 on an adapter.




    So, does anyone have any other camera suggestions for similar builds that don't use the merc batteries? I'm interested in a true RF, wide-ish lens (35, 40, etc), fast (the 1.7 of the canon would be nice). Aperture priority would be great (in addition to manual), but that seems to be rather uncommon (shutter priority seems to be norm).









  5. Hi,




    I'm just starting to do B&W with some regularity and I want to start doing the whole process. I have access to a darkroom with some very excellent equipment (Durst Enlarger, Ilford processor, negative drier, etc) but nobody to really show me how its done. I'm looking for a book that will give me as detailed a description as possible of the whole process.




    Any recommendations from the pros for the book you started with?









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