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Image Comments posted by thatbloke


    Lovely composition but my personal feelings are that the fore ground would benefit with more exposure, it?s a very difficult shot, there is a lot more picture in those shadows. Even so, still a nice image.
  1. Thank you for your kind comments, this shot is not an HDR, but one Raw file, I find that with PS CS2, using Shadows and Highlights I can drag out the detail that a RAW image holds and then tweak with curves.






    I have taken this shot many times before and have never really been

    happy with the results, so this time I took it on a cloudy day and

    made use of the soft filtered light of the clouds, to expose the

    detail in the rocks and woods. I didn,t crop the queuing traffic as

    I feel it gives perspective to the height of the bridge.

    It,s a beautiful bridge but has an association of death and suicide

    during its 150 year existence, the concrete canopy over the road

    below, was erected to stop these desperate people from hitting the

    traffic and injuring others.



    The Clifton Suspension Bridge, designed by Isambard Kingdom Brunel

    who died before completion, was opened in 1864, it stands 245 feet

    (76 m) and spans 702feet (214 m) above the River Avon, linking

    Clifton Village to Leigh Woods.

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