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paul rollin

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Image Comments posted by paul rollin


    This Photograph is NOT Perfect, but it is certainly not deserving of 3/3. So, my 7/7 should get it up to at least a 4/4. Let's not destroy someone's enthusiasm for the art, with undeserved low ratings, especially from people who have nothing to show to support thier opinion. If you are going to rate 3/3, at least make a suggestion for improvement, and show some of YOUR Fine Work to support your opinion, otherwise you will likely be disregarded.


    Nice shot. It would benefit from a bit more sharpness. You can never be too sharp. Especially with birds. And that is one of the challenges with birds. They don't give a damn if you can get them in the frame or not. And they will not stand still. Take a dart gun next time. Then glue the bird to the bird bath. Of course, you would release the bird after it came to. Just kidding. Now every birder on photo.net will be sending me hate mail.

    beach bird


    I have no problem with the low rating. I have major problems with people who can't show anything except nudes, and then make snotty comments about an honest attempt at something else.


    Mr. Tim B has nothing in his portfolio except nudes. If you want high ratings shoot, and post nudes. They don't even have to be very good nudes. Just find some girl to get naked for you. Shoot her pic, and post it ASAP. I have not seen very many 3/3 ratings for really Poor Nudes. And there are plenty of them. It's a sure bet that ANY Nude will get at least a 4/4. Most get hnigher marks. It is ridiculous.


    I rated this image a 7/7 just because the remarks of a photographer with a mediocre portfolio of nothing but nudes pissed me off.


    So, Joe don't let my 7/7 go to your head, or let low ratings ruin your enthusiasm. Shoot More. Post More, and take your lumps like the rest of us. Shoot a wide variety of images. And Post for ratings, and critiques, ONLY those that you are the proudest of. If you get a few low ratings in an overall moderate to high rating, Disregard the lows ones. The beauty of this website is that you can get imediate feedback from a large group of very good photographers from all over the world. If you think your work is pretty good, post it. The members of photo.net will confirm it, or humble you. Don't take it personally. I will always come to the defense of someone who is trying to get better. There is no excuse for being Mean, especially since All of us could improve. Nobody here is good enough to make mean comments. If you think the image Sucks,...Just rate it low, make a constructive suggestions, or keep you remarks to yourself, and move on.


    Bravo! In my humble opnion, this image is better than the all of the nudes that you are showing in your portfolio. For some reason, everybody wants to shoot, and show nudes. Maybe it is because they are "Nudes". It just seems like such a photographic copout to me. You proved to eveyone that you are capable of some really powerful work. Please keep it up. I want to see more of this.


    I Like the idea. But I would like it much better if it was sharper. I assume this sink is where you can shoot it again. So, if that is correct, shoot it again on a tripod at a very slow shutter speed, with as small an aperture as you can get to increase the depth of field. Then you can play with the brightness and contrast to get the effects that you want. Then I'd like to see it again.

    Train 3

    I Love Trains. However, You might want to crop out the light area in the upper left of this shot. I try to crop out anything that might detract from the overall image's objective. And You Can Never Be Too Sharp. I fight that in many of my own shots. Many I think are sharp enough, until I really look at them as though my life depended on them. Then I see that they are not. I have a pile of shots that I have decided are NOT sharp enough. I plan to go back and shoot them again when I can. Sadly,...some can never be re-shot.
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