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Posts posted by giulio

  1. Mat, for me most of the time it's a matter of empathy. There are no fixed rules to enstabilish a link to a person or group. My experience is that many times getting to know them, spending time together, talk about your ideas, your project and most of all to listen and be able do understand help a lot. In my opinion this helps too to get deeper photographs: the more you know about an issue, a person, a group the more deep you can go and your photographs will show the deeper knowledge you have achieved. Sometimes this takes years! Talking and listening is the key. Try to be accepted and you'll get more spontaneous images too, no masks. But of course this is not alwas true or sometimes you can't do it. Sometimes even a smile can help.

    All the best.

    Giulio Molfese

  2. D notLast. She's the only girl in a all-male-game, I tried to center the attention on the evanescence of her look that seem to question the observer putting her slightly (very slightly) out of focus. I also tried to compose the photograph with the naked back and the muscles of the boy on the left and the "little" girl near the game on the bottom right angle, holding the baby-foot game in the center of the photograph that point again to the eyes of the girl.
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