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Posts posted by mvgals

  1. I would suggeast trying this out, and then importing the files into lightroom.


    But that'd add an extra step. My goal is the find the correct camera defaults in lightroom so that when I open the images, they open w/ the color correction that looks good to me - i.e. similar to the dpp color correction.. I'm 95% of the way there with the simple change hue -18 saturation +25 - which saved as the default for this camera, means that every image opens with those settings already applied..


    I'm trying to avoid having to use two programs - dpp to convert/lightroom to do everything else...



  2. After you make the settings that you want, you can actually set them as the default for the camera - so it'd open with those settings.


    The secret ingredient for me (which I found in adobe's forum) was to do the camera calibration - decrease the hue for red, and increase the saturation for red.. The images aren't there yet, but it's the closest I've been able to come to it..


    Has anyone else had better results getting close to the canon's 'standard' picture style?



  3. I've been banging my head against the wall and would appreciate people's comments.


    I have a canon 40d - and would like to start using raw. The problem is, I

    *really* like the coloring/vibrance/etc that the canon's jpeg format provides. I

    typically use in-camera settings near the 'standard' default - but with

    sharpness bumped up a notch and saturation bumped up a notch..


    I can't replicate the same coloring in raw no matter what I try. The pictures

    just look much flatter to me.. This is using adobe lightroom.


    Are there any secrets to importing the raw pictures and having them look as good

    if not better then their jpeg counterparts?


    In testing, I imported an image in both raw and jpg format into adobe lightroom.

    No matter what I did with the picture's settings, I found myself still

    preferring the jpg's warmer colors.


    Any tips? I deal with a large number of images at once (I take pictures for a

    clubbing photography site - so process ~200-400 pictures on any given weekend

    for viewing monday morning..) - so my preference would be something that I can

    incorporate into my workflow upon import (with adobe lightroom or similar..)



    would love to start using raw, but...




  4. I have one that's practically brand new but that I never use (just don't have a need for a long zoom... most of my work is indoors)


    Make me an offer if any of you are interested in it... my email is diomark [at] sbcglobal.net - and I live in san francisco.. I'll probably put this on ebay in a few days...




  5. I always used the grip w/ my rebel xt - so bought it w/ my 30d when I upgraded..


    The grip went back to the store.. It added additional bulk that I didn't need; my camera feels balanced without the grip (w/ 16-35mm or 24-105mm lenses, plus 580ex flash..)


  6. I used to shoot with a 10-22mm or a 17-85mm...


    Then I bought the 16-35mm - this lens is almost always on my camera!


    Sold the 17-85 - wasn't using it..


    Then got the 24-105mm - good for outdoors.. (16-35mm for indoors/limited spaces, 24-105 for longer range)


    Now my 10-22mm is for sale:) I *never* use it.. I'm finding that 16mm is fine off the 16-35mm - and the quality difference between 16-35 and 10-22mm is enough for the 10-22mm to never get used...



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