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Image Comments posted by bigbulgarian

  1. What a great image!


    I absolutely love the quality of light in the picture and the lighting technique in general. The model is also gorgeous. The colors are brilliant and the composition is really original.


    There's only one thing that bothers me a bit: it seems the there is some implied symmetry by the lighting and the shape of the black and white fabric. However, this symmetry is broken in the right upper corner in the shape of the black piece of cloth and also by its overlapping for the model's left leg. I would love to see a version this picture where the symmetry is perfect.



  2. @Emilia, George and Jason: Guys, thank you for your commments, I appreciate it!


    @Gary: that's a very good suggestion. Unfortunally I am a little bit short of time right now, but as soon as I get the chance to give it a shot, I will let you know!


    @Robert: Thanks for commenting, but I fail to understand your point and hence how you suggest to improve the picture. Please elaborate.


    Thanks everybody for your comments!


    I like the skin tone very much and the lighting is also great. My only problem is that one hand is visible and the other one is not... it's kinda weird. But still - Great Job!
  3. I really like this picture. I don't know whether it was really candid or you set it up somehow, but it looks very authentic. I also like the sepia toning - it gives it a South American feeling (along with the hat and the white clothes), but I think black and white might've worked better - just a thought...

    Lunch outdoors ...

    I like the framing and the feeling of the picture - it's somehow serene and peaceful. However there's something missing to make this picture a really good one... I am not sure whether it's the color or lack of sharpness...
  4. The picture was taken at a roadside marketplace during the

    parliamentary elections campaign in Bulgaria this summer. The man with

    the sunglasses on the left is a candidate for MP from a right wing

    democratic party. Coming to the marketplace with the intention of

    talking to the farmers, mostly old poor villagers (the solid

    electorate of his rival Socialist Party) he met a formidable, adroit

    political opponent in the face of a young hardworking man. The silent

    tiny marketplace suddenly became an arena of a passionate political

    debate on a warm sunny Saturday afternoon.


    @Owen: You are absolutelly right! Now that you mentioned it I can't believe I missed out on that... The reason I think is that there is a big white pillar on the right of the model. I was trying to keep it out of the shot and in the process cut her hand out... It is flattering however to receive a positive comment from a photographer like you - I looked through your work yesterday - it's great! Thanks for your time!

    @Dow: I am not sure I understand what you mean... but thanks for your comment!

    @David: The model is a little bit soft, but I did it on purpose. I wanted to cover up some of the imperfections and also to give it a more sensual look. BTW. I looked through your portfolio last night - it's AMAZING! You have so much creative power it's unbelievable! Thank you for your time!

    @Teru: This is a very nice idea! Unfortunatelly I didn't think about it at the time I was taking the picture and there's no opportunity to retake it now :( But I will remember this comment for my future work. Thank you for your attention!

  5. I like it. However I would have left some room on the right side, behind her back and I would play with the image in Photoshop to make the colors a little bit "quiter", to give them a pastel feeling... Otherwise it's a good image :)
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