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Image Comments posted by JDMvW



    Possible warning of approaching apocalypse:
    I agree with Julie H's comments so far in every respect. That is both in terms of the aesthetics of the photograph and the form of the comments.

    Thug Life



    As to comments falling off, did you think your comment about "arty" critiques would help comments from falling off? Might you consider that you, yourself, were trying to stifle people?


    Yes and yes, precisely. You understand me very well.

    Thug Life


    Fred, if the shoe fits, but I would not class your criticism in the "make up a little story" category.
    And people wonder why comments here have fallen off --
    I would guess I am taking far more risk to dare to criticize the "arty" critiques, than I would be if I said the posted picture is OK, but not outstanding. Tighter cropping might help.

    Thug Life


    There are many flavors of art criticism. Some try to understand what the artist intended. Others treat the art as a kind of Rorschach blot.


    —Many have asked: What seekest thou?

    And at my answer some have laughed while others have eagerly revealed strange phantoms which they worshiped satisfied.

    , Greek Prose Poems ("The Seeker") by Mitchell Buck


    Jes' sayin'



    While not quite so enthusiastic, I'm definitely with Anders.
    Is it a thumb? Maybe, but not any "nail"
    not floating, in shadow.
    I, at least, have no idea of what "obvious criticisms" anyone might be making. Nor do I care. The picture works.



    Isn't "Sweid Sideris" sort of made-up *PIE for "shining of the star"? Hmmm.
    The texture, not characteristic of most of Sweid's portfolio, is rather like one of Wm. Mortensen's favorite techniques.
    The over-all "directed" quality of the pose and costume also reminds me of that person's work.

  1. JDM, you are right about understanding what the artist may be intending. What do you think that might be?

    I don't think I can have much of an opinion about the intent of the (or any, for that matter) artist without a great deal of study of this image and other images by the same creator.

    What I can do is to assume, at least for starters, that the image is as the creator intended, rather than assuming that the artist is incompetent. Then, ask what a critic can infer from its form and structure.

    How does the image affect you?

    The image affects me in a positive way. It has a kind of high-key outer shell and a more muted interior tonal range. The reflections of the sky obscure details in an overall chiaroscuro effect that I, personally, find appealing.


    I have seen many paintings of structures with ghostly figures barely visible in windows, so I am reminded of that, too :)



  2. I don't recognize the elf-chosen picture in much of the umbilicospective discussion above.

    Understanding what an artist is trying to do is usually a good first step toward appreciation and criticism, as opposed to judging the entire world in some inner light.

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