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Posts posted by lostfx

  1. Hi, Guys!


    I have a problem and I don't know what to do about it.

    I have a flash website. When I import JPEG picture (that looks great

    by itself ) to my Flash website, it automatically degrades the

    quality. Is there any way how to prevent this from happening?

    In other words, when I look at the picture thru the website, the

    quality degrades. It looks like being recompressed at lower quality



    Thank you.



  2. Hi, guys!


    I have a problem. Here is what I do. I open a picture in RAW thru ACR

    and after all the corrections I open it in Photoshop as a JPEG or

    TIFF with sRGB colorspace (16 bit). After all editing is done in

    Photoshop I want to save it for Web. So I go Save for web... and then

    it happens. Even the quality is 100%, the colors are not so vibrant

    and picture looses its brisk. It gets flat. Do you know why is this

    happening? Why in Photoshop it looks great and after saving it as

    JPEG, the colors fade even it is in the same sRGB color space? Is

    there a better JPEG converter?


    Thank you.



  3. Hi, Morrie!


    I've got Matrox P750 and I think the card is little bit too expensive for what it can do. I would rather get any similar card from let's say nVidia with 2 DVI outputs and S-video output and buy more RAM memory. Also I'm not a big fun of AMD processors. I read an article where guy did a research and found AMD are the best for graphics but in all tests the above AMD performed worse than Intel with HT technology. Also in terms of RAID, it is good to have RAID 0 for scratch disk but better RAID 1 for all important data. And get a good Power Supply. People are not paying too much attention to it, but it is one of the very important thing when it comes to stability.

  4. Hi, guys!


    I was little bit dissapointed when I read about adjusting the colors

    in Adobe Camera RAW converter. I thought that I would shoot somebody

    holding Gretag Macbeth color checker and then just I will somehow

    tell Raw converter, which color is which and it will automatically

    correct the picture and save that profile. However, it is a really

    complicated process with sampling each color and then make sure that

    sampled RGB numbers are matching close enough the number

    representation of each color of RGB and Gray thru adjsuting Exposure,

    Contrast, brigthness, etc....


    Is there any way, how you just simply tell Photoshop or ACR that

    these are the colors to use?



  5. Hi, guys!


    I'm just wondering if any of you are shooting your assigments

    (especially weddings) with the adjusted processing parameters or just

    keep them all at 0 and post-process them in PS as required. I mean

    the settings where you can set the contrast, sharpness, saturation,

    color tone. Do these settings affect the picture quality when

    shooting in RAW as well?

  6. Hi, guys!


    How do you process your images so they look good on web? I mean

    typical user doesn't have his monitor calibrated. Pictures that look

    great on my calibrated monitor, may show up as over (too light) or

    under exposed (too dark) on client's monitor and may discourage him

    from contacting me. How do you deal with this fact? Is there some

    general rule of thumb when saving pictures for web?


    Thank you.

  7. Thanks guys a lot. In regards to Wedding forum. I know that I posted couple of questions to Wedding forum that are not really intended for wedding work, but it is the most frequent forum here. I mean you got tons of responses immediatelly.


    Now to White Balance. There are about 3-4 ways I'm aware of of getting White Balance. Now, which one is the best?


    1.) You photograph the gray card (on location) so it fills whole frame, and then use that picture for Custom White Balance in your camera.


    2.) You shoot on location but ask a person to hold gray card in front of him when taking a firt picture. So you can post process in PS.


    3.) You attach a special ring to your lens that should give you accurate gray reading. I think this works similar to filing the whole frame with gray card. But I just heard that something like this exists.


    4.) You do all the adjustments in ACR. So you pick the point that represents 18% gray and then adjust everything according to.


    So what is the best method? What about GretagMacbeth color checker?




  8. Hi, guys!


    I'm looking for this kind of portable kit for myself. What from the list below would you recommend the most for the wedding work? I mean I like Dynalite deluxe wedding kit. Can you also mount soft boxes instead of umbrelas on these lights?


    Wedding - Portrait Package Systems

    Each system includes a heavy duty carry case, model #0673LW.


    M53DT-PS (1) M500XL-(3) 1015 kit w/ stands $1,779.00


    M52BT-PS (1) M500XL-(2) 1015 kit w/ stands $1,439.00



    Monolight Packages


    UNIJRG-PS1 UNI400JR / Jackrabbit / JR-UNI Kit $999.00


    UNI250-LW2 Dual UNI250R Kit w/ stands & umbrellas $1599.00


    UNI400-LW2 Dual UNI400JR kit w/stands & umbrellas $1799.00


    UNIJR-LW2 Dual UNI400JR &Jackrabbit Pkg w/ stands & umbrellas $2399.00






  9. The other thing is that when shooting low light situations with high ISO like 1600 or 3200 to decrease noise, I usually overexpose the image somewhere between +1 to +2 stops. That means decreasing the shutter speed (if working in AV mode). At full aperture opening f/2.8 compared to f/4.0, I could get higher shutter speed for 24-70 f/2.8 that would eliminate camera shake as well as subject motion blur. Canon should produce 24-105 f/2.8 IS USM and the problem would be solved. :-)



  10. So if I'm getting this correctly after your post:


    If using the 24-70 at 24mm f/2.8, 1/30 sec., ISO 800 on a relatively slow moving subject...then yes.


    - Yes you mean because without IS, shutter speed should be equal or higher than 1/24 secs so with 1/30 secs is the slowest speed for this lens at 24mm to avoid camera shake. Correct?



    If using the 24-70 at 24mm f/2.8, 1/8 sec., ISO800 on a still/posed subject...then no. I'd rather have the 24-105 at f/4, 1/4 sec., and ISO 800. Maybe even 1/2 sec, ISO 400.


    - Because with IS ON you can go 2 - 3 stops down in shutter speed and still avoid camera shake? Correct?



  11. Jake Holt, thanks for your input. Just yesterday I had an issue, where pictures captured by my 20D in Adobe RGB mode (being manually adjusted for saturation in PS as well) saved for web were showing poor colors compared to original image. I was wondering that it has to do something with Adobe RGB vs sRGB.
  12. Personally after reading so many posts here, it looks like 24-105 f/4.0 is the winner, but when I'm thinking about it it looks like 24-70 f/2.8 seems better. Why? Because opening aperture to f/2.8 I can get faster shutter speed, which should eliminate both camera shake as well as subject motion blur, instead of 24-105 f/4.0 with IS ON I will elliminate camera shake only. Am I understanding this correctly?
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