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Image Comments posted by arnold_schmidt


    I agree the focus is a bit soft, however it's still a nice image. I appreciate how difficult it is to get a precise control over the focus at this kind of subject distance. I look forward to seeing your future efforts.
  1. A nice entry into the world of high speed photography, the D50 tends to cope well with moving subjects. I'd of liked this image more if you'd got in closer to the subject also the lighting is a bit awkward there is too much shadow across the riders face for example. Otherwise it's a nice photo that conveys the motion of the scene very well, keep on experimenting with AF-C mode. I particually like your Manhattan B/W images, well done.

    These Three

    I agree this is a nice trio of birds, however the whole image seems a little underexposed. Perhaps if you reviewed the camera settings you could reveal why this happend. Keep shooting!
  2. Nice start here at Photo.net Cristina, I suggest that you crop this image very slightly so that the dark line at the very top of the frame is removed. Otherwise I like this photo, the colours and detail are good and the water droplets give a sense of movement in the scene. I look forward to seeing your future efforts.
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