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Image Comments posted by spoli



    Nice "relaxing" colors: I wonder how relaxed I would be after taking a few of these :-)

    Definitely, an interesting choice for a macro. Nevertheless well executed.




    Nice image. An emotional story told in a single frame.

    I noticed that the focus seems to be on the man's face but the subject seems to be his lady... Also, the image (as it is now) makes me want to see the whole face of the man, eventually, with a different framing (portrait). Or you can crop it a bit on top; enough to suggest that the shoulder belongs to a man but without seeing his whole face... Just some ideas to explore.

    I suppose you took the shot a bit in a hurry without time to adjust any camera settings. It happened to me so many times but I tried anyways.

    Anyway, the photo connects very well with the viewer and communicates the story with sensibility and grace.

    Well done. Thanks for sharing. Take care.


  1. Hi Patsy,

    This one wasn't supposed to look nice... If you can believe me, the weather was cloudy and I had no hope I'll capture the colors. It turned out much better and decided to add it to my portfolio.

    Thank you for your good words. They mean a lot to me.




    Really nice little girl in a very nice pose - she looks so genuinely innocent.

    Shooting against the light is usually a challenging task. This case is no exception. I understand the desire to highlight the gold of her hair but striking the right balance isn't easy. An additional light source (as a last resort a fill flash) to counteract the reflections of the sun would have helped. Another option would have been a long zoom with a very good lens hood to minimize the unwanted light entering in the lens. But it is easy for me to say from the comfort of my chair... Sometimes the moment arrives and you have to use what is available. It is always better to try than to let it go.

    I tried to balance the image in post processing but I'm afraid the results aren't great - maybe the RAW file (if available) will allow you to try more just for the sake of the exercise if not for getting a better image. Anyway, you will be the judge here.

    Thank you for sharing.


    JGW 196


    This one isn't your regular wedding photo... I don't know how much the bride and the groom will appreciate this image, but I definitely will. It is romantic, sensible and well executed. The tone of sepia works great here.

    As your first wedding (sic) you've done a good job and I hope you will keep it this way for many other weddings to come :-)

    Thank you for sharing.



    I really like the image and the way it's "framed": excellent find.

    Just because I'm here to criticize: I would crop a bit left and top to center it better and increase the contrast a bit (for the punch - this photo isn't for tones, it is for the game of the harsh contrasts). And a slight idea of sepia may work perfect with these ancient walls. I attached my result. You will be the judge.

    Once again, very good catch and well done!




    Excellent composition and light. I'm not saying that the colors aren't good (they are actually perfect for this scene) but to underline how good the light and the composition are, I converted the image to B/W with an orange filter for all of us to see. I hope you will agree with me that even in B/W this street capture preserves its charm.

    Well done!



    Shine Baby Shine!


    While crossing the Strait of Georgia from Comox (Vancouver Island) to

    Powell River (mainland) I've been attracted by this ferry worker that

    spent about 15 minutes cleaning the bell to an almost mirror state.

    I've got my camera towards the end of his job and I did mine. The

    result is this capture. Comments, suggestions, critiques are always

    welcome. Thank you.

    Tree faller


    Excellent B/W shot. I haven't seen one like this in a while: "pure black and white". I agree with Gareth regarding the ropes on the top. However, they are not essential to the quality of this capture.

    Great work!



    My daughter was 9 and I was 14 years younger... about the same as the digital cameras for consumers! By the way, I'm still the proud owner of that Praktica!





    I know you like flowers... (who doesn't like them?)

    But flowers require a more careful treatment than other nature made things in order to make them stand the test of the viewers. This is because their main features are shape and color. As a photographer you have to try to avoid distracting backgrounds (not a problem here) and ensure a very good color rendering without harsh shadows.

    Flash is a really poor lighting source for flowers: color rendering isn't great and shadows are really strong. You have two options here:

    • If indoors, use a bouncing flash (if you are not using the built-in flash) -- the more diffuse light will reduce the shadows and will spread more uniformly shrouding the flowers.
    • If natural light is available, try to use it even if this means increasing the sensitivity to ISO 800 or even more (for a good DSLR camera).

    For your photo - a bit underexposed, I would suggest some post-processing: balance the histogram first by increasing the "exposure" (brightness) about 20...25%, then change the toning to warm to enhance the reds a little. You may need to increase the color saturation to "vivid" style as well. It helps flowers to "pop out".

    I attached a modest attempt to follow what I just mentioned. If you take RAW shots, you should try to do the processing before converting to JPEG in order to use the whole dynamic range and to reduce any artifacts.

    What do you think?

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