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Everything posted by HermanRoes

  1. HermanRoes

  2. HermanRoes

  3. HermanRoes

    Fort Knox

    A kiosk, seen as it really is: a prison! After paying you can read all desired lies. :-)))) Kind regards.
  4. Getting old and rusty ads to the beauty, I do hope it will happen to me if I am getting old and rusty.
  5. HermanRoes


    The essence of autumn is color, beautiful abstract.
  6. HermanRoes

    tree b/w

    Graphic, monocolor and indeed it has been said less is more. Simple and attractive image.
  7. Frans, a remarkable image. Like composition and the way you finished the make up of this image. If you have time than look at the work of the dutch painter and draftsman Anton Pieck. There are a lot of similarities to find.
  8. HermanRoes

    Drew, I like this image because its reminds me in a odd way of the album "the future" Leonard Cohen. Special when he sings thee is a crack in everything that is how the light gets in. It is already more than a year ago you posted this image. I feel ashamed I did miss it. Hope you are still around and will read this, or someone will read it for you. Talking to my self how often we are not present to do the things we could have done. Saying something good, when we had to do it. Your image shows us how I can be narrow minded by seeing only a small stripe of image and a lot of blur. Kind regards, Herman
  9. HermanRoes

    Cologne Cathedral

    A house of prayers, house of beauty. Mankind can make magnificent buildings. what marvel, what art. A fantastic image, compliments. Kind regards, Herman
  10. This is a valuable find Franz, never seen a machine like that alive. Thank you for sharing this and thank you for all your visits to my place and admiring my simple work. Kind regards, Herman
  11. HermanRoes


    You have a distinct eye Jack. Seeing things I will never see. Opening up the visual value. Master of art? Or master of opening up natural art to us the half blind watchers. You chose..... thank you for taking me by the hand and make me see!
  12. HermanRoes


    A very beautiful black and white. Compliments
  13. HermanRoes

    I due cembri

    The beauty within black and white, very well captured. Compliments, Regards Herman
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