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Image Comments posted by amrit_chatterjee



    The spectrum has 9 colors 7 visible and 2 invisible to human eye.

    This spectrum also has two hidden attributes your skill and your creativity. 



    To discover forms in surroundings where none exist( for us) is a rare talent that you possess and this has been aptly presented in this image.

    I am for the colored version.

    Those days

    The waft of light coming from the top certainly is not studio lighting.Wonderful use of existing light source and great capture of genuine expression on the face of the subject.


    The portrayal of the image in sepia is very appropriate and befitting.This has lent it the old age charm.I am reminded of the popular novel "Devi Choudhurani" by the famous Bengali novelist Sri Bankim Chandra Chatterjee where the settings were chosen in such larger country boats called "Bajras"



    Very emphatic image which manifests the emotions,bonding and companionship which constitutes the language of human relationship as evolved over the ages.

    Beautiful setting to showcase these feelings.


    Great stained glass effect. Very creative and pleasing to the eye. I particularly like the subtle tones created all through the image..I can vaguely decipher two human figures but my assessment may be totally wrong.
  1. Wonderful image again taking full advantage of the sunlight.Was it shot at sunset or sunrise ? My presumption is sunrise but I may be totally wrong.The reflection of the bird in the water is the unique feature of this image.Very well planned and executed.



    The red shirt worn by the porter "Coolie" evokes a flood of childhood memories of train journeys looked forward to in the summer holidays.

    The red shirts of the porters have remained only the dhoti has given way to trousers. Great morning image of Howrah station with all its hustle and bustle with the porters standing out in their red shirts.


    The image has left me salivating.However what strikes me most is the freshness of the catch which have been very skillfully conveyed by the colors and light depicted here.
  2. Very pretty and intimate image and best viewed in monochrome.

    However my only worry is about their well being.Camels are not comfortable in moist climate of a sea resort like Puri but their handlers bring them over to provide entertainment in such popular tourist spots giving scant attention to their comforts.

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