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Image Comments posted by pjduncan

    floral 2


    It's an interesting composition... not one I would have thought of shooting, but I find it pleasing. The tonal range is nice and whatever texture effective you've used gives a very distinct character.


    Nice Shot!


    Please check out my portfolio. I have many plants and flowers. Always looking for feedback and suggestions for improvement.



    Very nice DOF. The balance is pleasing as well.


    Good shot!


    I have many flowers in my portfolio. If you get a chance please check it out and leave some feedback.

    boat shed 2.2

    I love the duality of a quick glance yielding the impression of a purely abstract painting, yet on closer inspection it turns out to be a photo of something presumably architectural.



    Great shot. The colors work really well. Great range of tones.


    Maybe you could explain what you mean by Mantova Colour... I'm unfamiliar with that term, but based on how beautiful this shot is, I think I want to know.



    Faded Remains


    I did try as B&W. I've just started playing around with this tonal compression method. I kind of like the "feel" though perhaps it isn't everyone's cup of tea.


    Another issue is that I've never been entirely pleased with a computer monitor's ability to render B&W. I love all the old gallery quality B&W prints, but monitors and most ink jet printers simply don't do justice to the subtle shades and tones of B&W.


    I love this shot. You worked wonders with the DOF. Makes me wish I had been there. The picture conveys the mood in it's tone and softness, I can imagine the music.


    You either have great luck in catching the perfect pose, or guests that take direction well. Depth of field is perfect. Balance and framing very nice. Captures a mood and a moment, check... a great wedding photograph.



    The muted tonality works really well. I like the effect. In fact I'm curious as to what techniques you use.


    The shirt being so dark, causes a problem, however. It almost feels like a hole in the photo above which a head is floating.


    Very, very cute though.


    What nice luck to get this shot. The depth of field works really well and you couldn't have gotten a better pose if it had been a paid model.


    Very nice. I love the muted tonal quality, which works really well the the sweet, sad look on the puppy's face. Even the one sprig of green grass I find pleasing.

    mud prints

    I like this a lot. Very nice composition and color. It's pleasing and a bit thought provoking... what left the various prints.

    Faded Remains


    I altered the tonal quality quite a bit in Photoshop. Does it work?

    It's very different from most of my plant/flower shots which tend to

    showcase colors. Please leave feedback and any suggestions for

    improvement. Also please visit my portfolio. Thanks for viewing.

    Yellow Tulip #1

    I like this a lot. What specifically do you mean by selective focus? It does seem different than what one would get simply by using a wide open aperture.

    Brown Butterfly


    Great detail and DOF. I too have some butterflies in my portfolio. Please check them out if you get a chance. I'd love to get some feedback and pointers for improvement. One difference is that I almost always shot with available light... and hand held. That can make the trade off of shutter speed and DOF kind of tricky.


    Thanks for sharing.



    I think you could crop out the bottom flower and end up with a truly stunning shot.


    If you get a chance take a look at the flowers in my portfolio.

  1. The composition is stunning.


    I'm curious what you might have done using the software that is available to capture ultra large dynamic range by taking multiple photos and combining. I've seen some very stunning results. I think one could get more of a range of colors. Thought the pervasive orange glow is a striking look.

    Window Rest


    Please let me know what you think of the tone, brightness, etc. There

    are two others very similar to this and I think this is my least

    favorite of the three. Perhaps you could check out the others and let

    me know how you think they compare. Thanks for viewing.

    Flower in rain

    The orchid is very nice... color, sharpness, angle. The stucco wall is a bit distracting to my eye. You could have gone with wider f-stop to blur the background more, but then you'd lose the blade like leaves of the orchid plant. An alternative, if you don't mind more setup work, would be to have drop a background, such as a black board, behind the orchid and really have it stand out. That way you could have gone with small f-stop and had even the leaves razor sharp. Photography takes a lot of experimentation. Nice shot... and good luck with future shooting.

    Red on Red


    Thanks for the complements and suggestions.


    I do fret over DOF with most of my flower shots. Almost all of my flowers are hand held. The Conservatory of Flowers where this was taken doesn't even allow tripods. That often leads to not having complete freedom to choose DOF. Many I throw out because of that. This a thought is quite pleasing even with the shallow focus. I do wish I had another capture with more depth as I too wonder if it would be better.


    Jacob, please take a look at the rest of my portfolio. I'm always hoping to get suggestions for improvement.

    Through the Rose


    Thanks for the comments/suggestions.


    Linda, on the cropping, is it a balance issue, clutter or perhaps the rather over hard edge of the bottom right petal that makes you think cropping on the right would help? I tried some different crops but thought I liked the dark on the right to balance the left. The clutter and the edge I'm not totally happy with. I shot RAW format and convert with software and probably used too sharp of a setting without noticing what it had done to that edge. I could go back and reconvert or perhaps just blur that corner a bit in photoshop.

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