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Image Comments posted by woodsprite

    A DUCK!


    My first impression at this image was that it is a political commentary; the Lame Duck in front of the big, White House. Guess it's just an example of how the beholder projects her own personality onto the art, making each interpretation unique.

    This picture certainly seems incongruous with the rest of your folder, which is very impressive and highly original.

    :) Jacki

    Cut River


    Thanks so much for taking time to comment, everyone; I truly appreciate it.

    Alexandru: Although I did use the burn tool in Photoshop to make the sky a bit darker, the detail and depth were already there because it was so dark and overcast. I also dodged just a bit in the grass, since it was going dark in the desaturation. I am new to the experience of digital photography (with my new Nikon Coolpix 5700) and consequently, using the "digital darkroom".

    :) Jacki

    Grant Park Beach

    I really like this. I find it very pleasing. The colors, liquid gold with the hint of lavender/blue are what I like most. I like the sense of movement in the water, giving this image life.

    Cut River


    This image was made where the mighty Cut River languishes at the top

    of Lake Michigan in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Originally I liked

    it as a color photo because it was rather subdued and monochromatic;

    but I realized I liked it better in B&W. I am hoping to convey a

    certain mood in this scene, but because I am too familiar with the

    backstory and the subject himself (my beloved), I do not know how

    well it is expressed. I really appreciate any comments and


  1. This image has a wonderfully otherworldly feel to it. I think faeries must live there.

    I like your choice of composition. The pathway (is that a pathway or is it simply a clearing?) invites the viewer to step into the image and take a walk around.

    Happy Shooting!




    My first glance at this image gave me the impression of sparklers or fireworks. I know intellectually that it is a caterpillar, but my eye says it's a whole line of sparklers! Weird, huh?

    Interesting attempt at using unusual techniques.

    Happy shooting :)Jacki

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