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Posts posted by pavle

  1. Dean, I'm in online bussiness for more than 10 years and I do know all problems with fraud. As you can see, I'm trying to suggest what can be a solution. My company is using PayPal as well as two other payment processors. There are many people even in United States who prefer to use other payment methods for whatever reason. Mail order, fax order, check, wire transfer are still very common payment methods. Also, with some payment processors, you can make a deal to let them to resolve all fraud problems so you don't have to warry about it. Some processors solve possible fraud problems from some regions by puting those orders on "further check" list. So, customer will have to call, or send email or whatever. Also, there is wire transfer as payment method and it's very secure. I hope this helps.


    Remark about Czeckoslovakia was just an information that it's in Central Europe, no more than that.

  2. You have fast lens and you should use that. Open it, not only to lower your ISO, but to take care of DOF to blur the background. Take a look at most of your pictures, background is clear so it moves attention from the main subject. However, you did very good job. Keep practicing!
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