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Image Comments posted by igla

    silvery locks

    I like the arrangement of the object, but the execution of the shot not so much. the branch in front is very distracting, and maybe shading it from the direct sunlight will help to get rid of the glittery and plastic look of the strings. I have the same problems shooting it. Regards.

    hi Lacey, I like this one. Pic with potential. i would crop everything at the top above water to focus more on the vegetation in the water and reflections of trees that complement it.


    Thank you Giangiorgio. I think here it is called milkweed as well. I love this plant because sometimes it creates recognizable forms like in this instance ladies face in the hat from profile. I have another one that in my eyes looks like conductor of the orchestra, and another that looks like big sail boat. Well it is just me trying to share how i see the world around .

    Hi Charles. Nice shot, i would get rid of that upright branch. How did you set up your ability to sell the prints,?i can't see any way to do that.
  1. Hi John, Very nice shot, but the lady in pink dress is competing for attention. Maybe a bit of crop? The one in glasses also. If blurring the background is not an option, maybe dimming it will help to accent the dancers . Beautiful shot.
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