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Posts posted by igla

  1. I placed a pic for critique on 13 of September. Since it got 28

    ratings with average over 5 in each category. From the first hour

    till now i can't find this pic on any of the ratings browser aldough

    some other pictures posted at the same time are there.


    WHY my pic is not posted?


    WHY you took away two 7/7 and give me 2/2.


    Why are you playing hide and seek with members of this site?


    This is the pic I talk about:



  2. I have asked a similar question, and this what I got as respond:


    James Vincent Knowles , sep 03, 2005; 07:20 p.m.

    i've been using this site (on and off) for years. (though my id does not reflect that) as I once changed my email address (due to a move) and it has taken me this long to unlock the secrets of how this site works. having done so I can only say that you do not want to know the truth - you can't handle the truth. that's why whenever someone complains you're told to just settle downa and take it easy. dig too deep here and you'll find yourself in your own grave. so relax - if you really want to know what others think of your pictures - publish a book.

  3. Thanks Carl.


    You are one of the few members on this site, that bothers to answer some of my questions and I appreciate that very much.


    I am a new member, and I will ask a lot of questions. The admimistration thinks that I am a cry baby, becouse I complain about low marks. I can only speak for myself, therefor I will submit issues that concern me and my pictures in farther conversation.


    Many questions I asked before are not answered yet.


    The administration of this site instead of constantly saing "I don't agre with you" "You don't know " "the data shows this and that" should explain how everything works. But they think making it tabu keeps the door open to whotever they want to do.

  4. Can anyone explain me ( but not in one sentence )what criteria are

    used on presinting a picture in RR . Are they go by the date of

    uploading to the site. or the date of submitting for critique, or by

    some other date?


    How can I place an anonymous rate for the picture I want, not for the

    picture that is presented by RR?


    Are there any rules written on this site. if not, are there any ???

  5. Maybe by adding a necessary opinion to the rating (with a choice of either anonymous or not) could slow this annoying trend down. And also if the opinion is not constructive or does not make sense the member can have a chance to present it in the forum and have it voted officially and if any discard that unreasonable rate.


    This is only my suggestion. I don?t know how much effort is needed to implement such a change.


    So far I like this site. The way it is organize and presented. Maybe just few things that?s bother me the most: By which criteria the pics are sorted or submitted to; RR CBC




    Why in CR pics are sorted by the date of posting in the portfolio and not the date of submitting for critique? The reason I ask, is if your photo is a week old and you request a critique now, there is very slim chance that anybody can see your photo displayed because browser shows just 500 pics and they average over 5.5/5.5. Your only chance is if they go directly to your portfolio.


    Is there any place on the site that explains ?how, what, and where?

  6. Yes Carl in theory you are right, but practically if you place your rate based on liking or disliking the pic, you shoud have only two choices:







    If you look at our rating tabel it ask you to rate aesthetics of the picture and creativity of the photographer in the scale from very bad to excellent, therefor lets rate it according to this parameters and create another rating system of liking and disliking for does less enlightened members

  7. "If I go ahead and post a picture, will you listen to my critiques, trust my ratings, and like me?"



    I believe the purpose of this site is to share photos. Opinions and rating are just helpful tools, that expend ones views on some subjects.



    -I always listen to critiques.

    -Yes I would feel more secured with you ratings.

    -If you were a woman and good looking maybe, but I am here for pictures not for dating.


    On other similar sites a member can not post a critique until he or she has posted 10 to 20 pictures of their own. I think this is a good approach.

  8. HARVEY PLATTER and .[.Z . I went to see your portfolios and what i see- there is no portfolio. You have no pictures posted of your own, but you are first to opininion other members for they hard work. You answer to questions usually in one line of text-The great thinkers of this world had problems with expressing them self in one line - you have a lot to learn in this field yet. Another thing is WHY you hide behind this false names. If you can't stand and express your opinion openly, don't even bother to open your mouth ot rate someones pictures.This world i full of cowards that hidden try to implement haos among others, but there are good people there to that try to live peaceful and honest life.

    Or maybe somebody alse under a false name is trying to control the rating on this site.

    But still this is only my opinion.

  9. Hi, I was having a problem with RR. I tried few things to get around it, and i noticed that; you can rate or skip a photo until you get to the new photo posted with no rate on it yet. When you try to skip that photo you get server error. Other words you are forced to rate this photo or you can't go any farther. Obviously people try to skip a photo they don't want to rate, but after few tries ( ANGRY!!! ) rate it with 1/1 or 2/2 just to be able to go ahead
  10. Hi, I was having the same problem. I tried few things to get around it, and i noticed that; you can rate or skip a photo until you get to the new photo posted with no rate on it yet. When you try to skip that photo you get server error. Other words you are forced to rate this photo or you can't go any farther. Obviously people try to skip a photo they don't want to rate, but after few tries ( ANGRY!!! ) rate it with 1/1 or 2/2 just to be able to go ahead.
  11. I see that more and more members are fed up with low ratings. It is

    very easy to press a button and give somebody 1/1 or 2/2. I have

    seen some photos with those low ratings, and I can say that whoever

    is doing it has no sense of aesthetics or creativity whatsoever. Who

    like who but Brian knows the best who is doing it and how it is done,

    because He is the one that can extract this data.


    Maybe by adding a necessary opinion to the rating (with a choice of

    either anonymous or not) could slow this annoying trend down. And

    also if the opinion is not constructive or does not make sense the

    member can have a chance to present it in the forum and have it voted

    officially and if any discard that unreasonable rate.


    This is only my suggestion. I don?t know how much effort is needed to

    implement such a change.


    So far I like this site. The way it is organize and presented. Maybe

    just few things that?s bother me the most:

    By which criteria the pics are sorted or submitted to;






    Why in CR pics are sorted by the date of posting in the portfolio and

    not the date of submitting for critique? The reason I ask, is if your

    photo is a week old and you request a critique now, there is very

    slim chance that anybody can see your photo displayed because browser

    shows just 500 pics and they average over 5.5/5.5. Your only chance

    is if they go directly to your portfolio.


    Is there any place on the site that explains ?how, what, and where?

  12. Brian, thank You very much for the explenation. Now I understand a little better how the system works.I can see that You trying logicaly solve the problems in the community. Maybe posting small article of how the system of rating works will save some of the comments ( like the one I made). I think that person rating the picture should be forced to make a comment anonimus or not. My last question is :when i post the picture for critique it should be under "landscape", but for some reason it went under "pets", is there a way to correct it?
  13. I agree with your opinion on the rating system, but to make it more interesting listen to this: I posted a photo for a critique yesterday. Got it marked for 6/6 by three people then suddenly got 3/3, 3/4 and so on ,so my avrage on A and O is about 5/5 but the funny story is that after 1 hour after I posted that pic I can't find it on any of the ranking lists. So no wonder that nobody is giving rating or opinion - they can't see my picture unles they go directly to my folder. How meny people know my folder exist?
  14. Yongbo Jiang, thanks for your input to this conversation. Finaly I can see that this site is alive and some people stand up, and say something that make sense. Photos that You showed me are very impressive. I know that with camera I own I am limited to some extend, but just the fact that you own a 20D, or D70 does not mean that your photos are the best. I think that photos should not be marked based on the equipment that you use but on aesthetics and originality of it.
  15. Thanks you Brian for a quick response to my questions. You answer some of them, but some you left unanswered. One of them is why my last picture is not display in the recent rated list? You know better then me that if the photo is not displayed, nobody can rate it or opinion it. Is there a reason for that or just a glich in the program?
  16. I am new hire, don't know the old rating system, but this new one does not work properly. My opinion is, who is rating 3 and lower should be forced to give an explenation to his/her choice. If english is a problem, do it in your own language, i find a translator , because i care for what i am doing and your opinion good or bed will always be helpfull to me.
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