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Posts posted by nicholas_rab1

  1. Oh, yeah, a on-topic answer.




    No problems focusing my Hexar. If there is a delay in the shutter,

    it is short enough that I cannot detect it. It probably is not the

    best choice if you are shooting 90's all the time (along with the .58

    leica), but would be fine for the occasional shot. I have also never

    noticed any problems with 3rd party lenses on it. Would I rather

    have a M7? Absolutely, as long as I was not paying for it. Of

    course you can buy a complete RF kit (with 28mm, 50mm, & 90mm) for

    about $500 less than the M7 body alone.

  2. Francisco,




    Yo tengo el Ultron 35mm con mi Hexar, y me gusto mucho, pero es muy

    grande para un 35mm. Si podre hacerlo otravez me compra el 35mm

    classico f/2.5 que es mas pequeno. Para los 25mm y 21mm, sabes que

    el 25mm no tiene el "rangefinder coupling", no se en espanol, pero

    para foco neccessitas conjetura. Si puedo comprar uno de estos, yo

    prefiero el 21mm. Apologías para me espanol, hace mucho tiempo que

    yo escrito.

  3. Having spent a lot of time in Mexico, I would be be inclined not to

    worry about it. I would follow Jeff's advice and get out of Cancun,

    go to some of the smaller towns, travel around, meet some people,

    open your mind. The Yucatan is beautiful, but Cancun is kind of a

    drag. As for saftey/crime, Cancun will have the expected scammers

    of any large touristy city anywhere in the world. A few years back I

    went on a tour of dive bars of Central America (I know, kinda

    strange), and interestingly, the only time I felt even slightly

    unsafe was when I went out to a nightclub with more middle

    class/wealthy people.




    You could also get insurance and really not worry about it.

  4. I shoot about 90% color these days, and print about 90% B&W. As

    everything goes through a scanner that gets printed, color film makes

    a lot more sense. Although I find the later choice of color or b&w

    nice, what I really enjoy is the ability to put post-exposure color

    filters into my desaturation. I don't need to buy (and switch

    around) a red/green/yellow set of filters in order to get the effect

    of them. I can also preview what each filter would do. Works great

    for me.

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