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Posts posted by dirk_weaver

  1. Thanks everyone for your advice/ input. The 300 it will be. I think that this lens will round out my arsenal rather nicely. I'll finish stacking my chips for the purchase and call it a day. I'll post as soon as I get some good stuff.
  2. John & Steve,


    Thanks for your input. My access for youth and high school will be unlimited for the most part. On the college

    and professional levels, there might be some limits. Do you think that a 300+TC would suffice?

  3. For those of you out there who shoot football, I wanted to get your take on shooting football with a 300mm lens

    and how effective it is. I am debating over a 300 or saving for a 400 2.8.

  4. Diane,


    Thanks a bunch! I am looking at Printroom as we speak to see if it is Mac friendly. So far I

    am seeing that it is. Ideally, I would have a Clickbooq, Photoshelter, or Livebooks site and

    link it to some type of print service. There are so many options out there I am trying to

    find the smoothest workflow. Prior to the HD issues with my PC, I would import, keyword,

    tag, sharpen, and adjust sturation in Aperture, burn a CD of jpegs and import them to the

    PC hard drive anddirect clients to the Photoreflect site. My job would be ssssoooooo

    much easier if the darkroom software was Mac friendly. I have also tried LabPrints, but

    their customer service hasn't been the greatest. I'll look at digiproofs as well. Thanks


  5. Can someone give me their thoughts on a good hosting website for selling sports images. I've been using

    Photoreflect for quite some time until my Dell checked out on me. Now I'm using a Mac Book Pro and I've

    grown accustomed to the ease of the Photoreflect site coupled with all of the features involved.

    Particularly no monthly fees. Does anyone have any thoughts on Printroom or any other sites that they

    have had a great deal of success with? Ideally, I want to store the images on an external HD to keep

    memory open on my Mac and perhaps pull the full res. images from the external HD when an order comes

    in. Does that sound correct?

  6. Hi all. I've shot the CIAA Tournament here in Charlotte, NC the past two years and have been

    able to do quite well with a 28-70 2.8 on a D200 and a 70-200 2.8 on a D70. The long lens

    takes me to the opposite free throw line and the 28-70 2.8 gives me good results almost to

    the top of the key. I've been able to produce sellable work even at 800 iso. I'm led to believe

    that the lighting in the Charlotte Coliseum is perhaps a little better then in your local high

    school gym. Just some food for thought.

  7. Hi Emil,


    Believe it or not, you can get decent results with a Nikon D70 and a 501.8 lens. I shot an

    entire match with that combination. I would shoot for a 50 1.8, 28=70 2.8 and a 70-200

    2.8. You should be fine with the 28-70 2.8 Nikon lens. I shot Hasim Rahman in

    November with a Nikon D200 and a 28-70 2.8. Versus networks televised the fight so the

    lighting was decent. With an HBO or Showtime you MIGHT be able to get away with ISO at

    1000, but generally speaking your readings will be ISO: 1600, Aperture: 2.8, Shutter

    Speed: 500 or better.

  8. Does anyone have any thoughts on lenses for arena league football on the long end? I was thinking a 300

    2.8 along with a 70-200 2.8 on a second body and possibly a 28-70 2.8 on a third. Any thoughts?

  9. Can someone give me some direction on lighting an indoor stadium. I have an opportunity to shoot an

    arena football league but I'm worried about shooting at high ISOs with the marginal lighting in the

    stadium. My thoughts are to use my SP Studio Systems Excalibur 6400s in the rafters and fire them with

    Pocket Wizards. Does that sound right? If not does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks!

  10. I would like to use the button to lock the object that I am focusing on and get the same

    exposure for a series of exposures. Is that possible?

  11. Can someone give me some direction on engaging my AE-L/ AF-L button on the back of my D200? I

    contacted Nikon with the same question and it was communicated to me that the button on the D200

    works as it does on the D100 & D70, but so far, I haven't been able to get it to work. Any assistance in

    this manner would be greatly appreciated!





  12. I have a question for anyone who has had experience with SP

    Monolights. Simply stated, have you had favorable results and are you

    pleased with your purchase? I am moving into portrait work and I'm

    currently using three SP Studio Systems Excalibur 6400 Monolights. I

    have umbrellas,a snoot, backdrop w/ stands and barndoors. I was

    looking for thoughts on the SP Studio Systems outfit.

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