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Everything posted by finnegan

  1. <blockquote> <p ><a href="/photodb/user?user_id=2118899">Fred Haeseker</a> , May 10, 2015; 07:35 p.m.</p> </blockquote> <blockquote> <p>Hi William, I don't know how much of a novice you are but Mike Butkus has a handy short manual for the M3 on his website:<br /><a href="http://www.cameramanuals.org/leica_pdf/leica_m3-02.pdf" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.cameramanuals.org/leica_pdf/leica_m3-02.pdf</a><br />Congratulations. The M3 is one of the most sought-after of the M series.</p> <p>Ah yes, I know his instruction manuals well and that was the first task I was going to undertake before the camera even arrived: check for a manual online. Thanks Muchly for this. I'm a babe in the woods as far as Leicas. Though not for film photography. <br> Best<br> Jerry ("william hutt")</p> </blockquote>
  2. <p>Thanks so much Stephen for all the advice on checks. What do you (and Seller) mean check that "the RF is aligned".<br> As I said I'm a rookie.</p> <p>Also, who does reasonably priced CLAs on Leicas - KEH? And while I'm at it, what is "reasonably priced"?<br> Again thanks so much, I hope all is well with it and shall soon see.<br> Best<br> Jerry<br> "Wm Hutt"</p>
  3. <p>On ebay:<br> http://www.ebay.com/itm/311349810473?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT<br> <em>(scroll down)</em><br> <em> </em><br> <em> </em><br> It was Buy It Now for $1395 or Offer, I offered $1150 and seller agreed.<br> My first Leica. I should have posted here first, drat! <br> Anyway, if it looks "iffy" I'd appreciate it if you'd lie. (Joke....)<br> So, what do you think?</p> <p>Thanks!</p>
  4. <p>How are Summilux lenses? How do they compare with Summicron? </p> <p>Thanks<br> Leica Rookie</p>
  5. <p>Awhile back after getting a Contax RX and 1.4 Contax-Zeiss lens, I had a common problem with the <a id="_GPLITA_0" title="Click to Continue > by cinemapro1-2" href="#">mirror<img src="http://cdncache-a.akamaihd.net/items/it/img/arrow-10x10.png" alt="" /></a> in the camera that some have with the RX. It had drifted down on its holder. Luckily there is a user-fix: remove the lens and heat the mirror area with a hair-dryer which makes the old glue holding the mirror pliable. You then move it back where it's supposed to be and END OF PROBLEM.<br> EXCEPT, I had no hair dryer so I warmed the camera body and mirror area in front of a room space-heater. I though I had the camera back far enough but after doing the mirror fix, waiting awhile and putting the lens back on: much was skewed up:<br> The focus indicator no longer showed anything in the view-finder but arrows flashing, the P setting for auto-exposure became aperture-prioity exposure and a few other weird things happen inside the view-finder indicator symbols.<br> 1) Before I buy another body, which now thankfully are fairly inexpensive, is this, in fact, a problem with the Camera Body do you think?<br> I can't see how it could be the lens, it had nothing to do with any warming and was sitting a distance away.</p> <p>2) Any idea of a user-fix for what must be an electronic problem created by warmer than I thought temperatures?</p> <p>Thanks</p>
  6. <p>Yes, Louis, that what I thought, you get a lot for a reasonable price and in a size good for international traveling, where you really KNOW quickly you have a DSLR on your body, and other applications where weight is a factor. Thanks for nice comment!</p>
  7. <p>Well I bought the Sony A6000, I guess the son or grandson of the NEX-6, and with it its 16-50mm lens.<br /> Price on Sony's site was $11.45 for both. No, that is an horrendous lie, it was $599 and on back-order, which is nice, I can read the whole manual before getting the camera. But I usually just shoot with auto-focus and manual or Aperture Priority. <br /> I did a lot of photography on a '50 Zeiss Ercona II with nothing, nada, in the line of refinements.<br /> Not even a coupled rangefinder, you looked out a piece of glass and estimated distance or shot depth of field for distance and focus. And of course no light meter. But you learn light that way.<br /> Took really nice photos, forget the lens, a Tessar. It worked so well that I though I'd improve it with some oil. So I liberally splashed some "3 IN 1" in in its innards one day. And wrecked it. (True story)<br /> So all the gadgets these cameras have now I'll read about but likely will just use the basics.<br /> I don't like the 16 to 50mm lens as far as its breadth of focus so if I like the camera I'll get a zoom from 50mm up.<br /> So, $599 is not a killer price, (though with taxes and a 3yr Warranty I got for $55 - Sony must give 1 yr) cost to me was just over $700. But I still can take a look at M3s. <br /> I'll let you know how the a6000 shoots, I like the example photos online I saw. Only reason I didn't get a new Nex-6 on Amazon was confusion about any warranty. It's a discontinued item and I don't think SONY would warranty it. So... I went with a current camera, the a6000, hopefully close to the NEX-6.</p> <p>Thanks all again!</p>
  8. <p>What is a reasonable price for an M3 in good shape (as opposed to As New) plus a 50mm Sumicron also in good shape. $1500? Too high. How about $57 for both. Seriously be good to know a reasonable price for the M3 + sumicron.</p>
  9. <p>Thank you all for so much great advice. The M6 went for $2600 and the M3 was too pricey too by the end. So right now I am doing nothing, sometimes the best choice if confused. I've been having my film scanned at a place with an industrial size scanner right where I live and they do a classy job. So, I can continue to do that, but I still tend to think one good digital might be the way. I have plenty of film cameras, and have not been shooting much the last couple of years. Perhaps a Nex-6 or Fuji x-100 (the 100T I think I can wait until prices drop, would strain the budget too much at $1200 or more.<br> Very good point was made about speed of digital development making a very large expenditure on one now being worth little soon. So I'm aiming more in the $700 category.<br> Any digital in that range you'd feel highly about?<br> Thanks again, great responses!</p>
  10. <p>I think that is Federal stuff, "Color of Law", a violation of Constitutional Rights perhaps.<br /> "Color of Law" means an act against a citizen by an officer of the law is given justification because of that position: i.e., an Officer of the State (meaning the government, any government) when it is not, when it is in fact an illegal act. The appearance of an action as official masks its illegality and harm to the citizen (like REAL harm as we see now all the time).<br /> Cops can't steal your cell phone for the legal action of using its camera in public. No one legally can. If it weren't a cop you'd call the police or bop the guy on the nose. However, your Rights are violated because you are now in the predicament of "Color of Law" and can do nothing to protect yourself or have relief from damage.<br> So if it was me I'd be at the FBI the next morning, file a complaint based on the above and get this stuff STOPPED, and this guy OFF THE FORCE because he's a thug.</p>
  11. <p>Couple of Leica Cameras + Lens on Ebay: M6 with Summicron 35mm, not a lot of info by seller except everything fine with lens + camera; he has 58 sales, no percentage yet but they all seem positive. Price 12 hrs out from end of Auction: $1500.<br /> Other great looking M3 with Summicron 50mm, may have dust in lens seller said, but sounded like he didn't know so can't have been noticeable. Day and half out: $680. Seller has over 2000 sales and feedback of 100%.<br /> The other is Fuji x100T, supposedly great digital, $1200 new anyplace.<br /> I never had a Leica and always wanted one, but here's the deal: I don't darkroom with any of my film cameras and I have a number, 35mm and medium format. So, why buy a Leica when I get a digitalization of film not the full film quality?<br /> I have one old digital, so I'm not a digital guy natively. But I do need another, that one is useless, and I thought since I end up with digital images anyway, why not buy one very good digital camera?</p> <p>Any advice? Because one of those Leica auctions is but 12 hrs away if you have any quick thoughts I'd be grateful. Thanks!</p>
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