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Image Comments posted by enigmaphotography



    David, new business name, that's all....plus, my membership expired and my original account seemed to be perpetually memberized (not that its a BAD thing, but it kinda bugged me to not be a paid member and still be listed as one and have all the bennies, dang my ethics, lol), and I'm still trying to figure out if I use p.net enough to justify re-subscribing (errr, and now that they actually accept credit cards directly, 'tis a possibility)...


    ...and as to the toes not being elegant, the entire pose is not elegant, nor is the battered door and deteriorating concrete :-). For some reason, elegance isn't what I had in mind with these shots...



    Thanks, for the comments, they mean far more to me than the ratings (and it seems that few people will make comments).


    I agree on the arm, and I almost passed this one up as a result, but had hoped that the pose of the legs might detract from it (this is not a perfect shot, by any means). As far as the model merging into the background, that one was intentional ;-). I did some dodging and burning to emphasize it a bit more (errr, and yep...a lot of people don't like it, but for some reason that even *I* don't understand, I wanted it on this shot, armchair psychologists, fire away, he he)...

  1. 'Possum wrestling, the latest sport! And THIS one looks like a title contender! I am completely unsure how to rate this, I love the shot, but aesthetically it doesn't do it for me...maybe I need to think about what aesthetics means to me, and in my confusion I'm giving it a 6 aesthetics/7 originality...err...how DO you get a 'possum to pose?


    Thanks for all the comments, I thought about reflecting more light onto her face, but decided to leave who she is in the shadows in this shot, others have her face :-).
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