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Posts posted by geoffs

  1. I believe if you place them on the floor of the car under a blanket or similar material away from view they will be perfectly ok,but I also agree with Brians advice.The trunk will be the coolest place in the car.

    Try to park in a shaded area if at all possible

  2. Obviously it`s best to get your shot level in camera,but if not, then try downloading the editing program called Picassa.It has a levelling facility which is so easy to use. Some of the picture is lost at the edges when levelled this way,but if its not too far out of sync in the first place, then it`s a great way to save a nice photo.!



  3. The images seem to show that the time of day was very early or very late in the day.The solution doesnt always come out of an editing program.

    Wait till the sun is slightly higher and illuminates more of the scene.It might be that you can choose a part cloudy day and shoot when the sun is diffused behind a soft cloud.

    I know you say that the scene is just an example but my suggestion holds sway for many scenes that are fairly high contrast.If they are then consider shooting at another time.

    I am not negating the previous valid answers,just offering another alternative.

  4. Dave,I`ve seen other comments about people not liking it...I like to see falling water frozen sometimes, and I know it adds some realism to the image.

    I think the soft look adds a surreal feeling,I like to see it within that context.Horses for courses :)

    Sarah that photo of yours is gorgeous.

  5. Those weeds are great for fine detail but what if there`s just a very light breeze..you really do need to shoot something solid and certainly dead static.Even the colour of them doesnt help regarding checking for ca.Its best checked with contrasty areas in primary colours.
  6. It is probably dust on the inside of the viewfinder.I had three Nikon D50 bodies and all had dust on the inside of the viewfinder seemingly appearing from nowhere..I learned to ignore this but it was frustrating at first.If your camera is new, then try changing it,if you feel it stops you concentrating on the image.
  7. I was often told by my mother as a kid..."If you can`t fight wear a big hat"


    Back to lens hoods however.I absolutely need a hood on my Sigma 10-20mm lens.Any wide angle zoom lens suffers

    badly from flare,less so if it`s a prime.Often the hood still doesn`t stop stray light bouncing around inside my camera


    Over the years I have come round to the idea that small really is beautiful.I dislike great hulking lenses.Just sold a

    170-500 and the hood was about a third of the size of the lens.!

    My casio z750 is a little gem and no need for any hood..I often shoot for fun.

  8. My first impressions are that I like it.Clean,sharp and has a nice backdrop to accentuate your words and at the moment the photos.

    Will have to wait and see how other images apart from fireworks will display.Your style of writing is easy and flows well.

    I would like to see a slightly larger font,but thats a personal thing.The wording above the space for searching is not distinct enough for my eyes.I wear reading glasses...

    I cannot find anything that is negative to be honest though.

    Good luck with your photographic journey.!

  9. If you have Photoshop.Open your photo in editor.Click on >image at the top,then >resize in the drop down menu then >image size.A window will show with your photo size in pixels.You then change the values as you want and then save as.Give the saved image a different name otherwise you lose your original image.

    There should also be a box that you can click to >contain proportions. Tick this box if you want to keep the same proportions as your original image.Such as the common 6x4 ratio,which I believe your Canon uses.?.

  10. I think you are expecting too much from your lens and not enough from yourself with all due respect.You need to practise more and follow Elliots suggestions.

    "Your" plane window looks filthy (first shot) so you will not get a decent shot through something like that.

  11. Indeed.Christine,my kneejerk reaction was,oh dear someones overreacting (you).Yet when I read your thoughts and

    ideas,I began to understand where you were coming from.Its a shame an idea/thread cannot go the full course.

    The powers to be, seem sensitive to anything that "seems" controversial,yet what is photography about, if not life

    and all its foibles.

    Its only my guess,in that some threads are pulled to stop them deteriorating into a mud slinging match,which is what

    happens in many other forums.It is sad but not everyone on the net is mature and reasoned.

    I`ve been known to shout at my pc screen :)

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