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Posts posted by malcolm_tentt

  1. Possible reasons...here you go...</p>


    1. Millions of hits from potential purchasers of the DMR burnt out his server. </p>


    2. He's taken his site off line as a punishment for those who've called his omnicience into question. </p>


    3. His neighbour came by this morning with Leica's cheque that'd been misdelivered by the postman and he's busy re-writing the DMR review.</p>


    4. His server's crashed, he knows as much about computers as he does about digital, and his 10 year old nephew is off on holiday.

  2. {I'm new here, I used M6's for nine years and recently sold up due to disability.}{I thought my dented M6 and 35 f1.4 was worth about ?300 and it sold on ebay for ?871, and my second one that currently is missing a viewfinder frame lever}


    Heh. Thought for a bit you meant your disability not the M6es, my mistake.

  3. { A friend who is a very competent photographer has just telephoned to say he is giving up digital and reverting to film. }


    Good thing he isn't of a mind to give up the telephone and revert to carrier pigeons. Heard they're aldready extinct. Film's got a bit to go.

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