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Posts posted by malcolm_tentt

  1. {Best thing to do would be to post on the Leica forum & make sure you use a Leica cable release or table top tripod:)}


    I'll wager most of the photos posted to the Leica Forum were done with non-Leica digital kit, whilst admonishing everyone to acknowledge the "Leica Glow" thereof. If ever found out and taken to task, they note the name of the forum is "Leica Photography Forum" and claim that any invasive, surreptitious shot is within the definition of "Leica photography", even if it's of one's spouse, children or pet animal.

  2. 503CW has "gliding mirror system" (GMS) which eliminates the image cut-off at the top of the screen when using lenses longer than 150mm or tubes or a doubler with shorter lenses.


    503CXi is 503CW minus the GMS feature. Both accept the same motorised advance.


    503CW is 500C/M with added OTF-TTL flash metering, does not accept a Hasselblad motorised advance however there was one available from a third-party which can sometimes be found second-hand.

  3. Leica make the DMR rather than a fully-digital R9, for a system used primarily by working photographers, and as a result the TTL flash function is crippled. Meanwhile, for M owners, most of whom are collectors with substantial emotional attachment to their ancient kit, Leica will not make a digital back but rather a dedicated digital body. No wonder they're at the brink of receivership.


    BTW, the "f" flash-metering function of the R8/9 is fully-operational with the DMR, as it measures off the shutter, not the film. Slow and cumbersome in many situations, but usable nonetheless where for one reason or another one might require a flash reading TTL.

  4. First off, just so you're prepared and don't injure yourself when you fall down laughing, some of these blokes round here think it's some sort of religious heresy to mount a flash on a Leica.


    Next off, Leica in their infinite arrogance, tried to get on with their own proprietary flash connection, which was soundly rejected and when they abandoned their antiquated wind-on and re-wind in the M4 (as an aside, they regressed recently in deference to the collectors who now represent their majority customers), also incoporated the world-standard PC connector. Thus to use a flash on the M3 you are faced with two possibilities, one being an adaptor which protrudes several mm into your forehead, and the other being the fitment of a standard coaxial connector by a trained repairman.


    As to the type of flash, most any will do nicely. Do look for one which has not only a hot-shoe but which allows fitment of a connector cord, else you'll need yet another adaptor.

  5. {If the full width of the film goes on to the take-up spool,}


    There're quite few older 35mm cameras whose wind-on bobbins have a half-depth slot, and a single prong at one end. I can't say for certain but I believe many of the automated wind-on mechanisms in modern cameras require a half-depth leader as well.

  6. {Newer lenses having a tougher surface, making it more difficult to scuff and scratch the front element.}


    Tried it, have you.


    {My 1989 50 'lux doesn't flare so much, although the trade-off is a slightly lower sharpness and contrast (which I actually prefer - the 'cron was IMO too harsh under Australian sunlight)


    Sounds like you've been a bit too long in the sun yourself mate.

  7. The lens in the first photo is referred to as a "red scale Elmar". The last photo of the camera itself shows it to be a "IIIf Red Dial Delayed Action". Both of these items are considered somewhat desireable by the legions of fanatic collectors to whom these relics mostly appeal. Do yourself a grand favour and offer the lot of it up at Ebay, give some poor sod the thrill of his life, meanwhile even if you've the notion to shoot some film on a lark, do avail yourself of any one of a thousand fine, modern cameras you can purchase for a fraction of what you'll recover on this kit.
  8. {Then how do you explain pretty much every pj, every celebrity shooter, every sports shooter using a camera with a crop factor?}


    Jeff me boy they've all been using autofocus too for a dozen years, and most IS/VR as well. Same for the successful ones doing wildlife photography. But you've got to understand that Leica users live in their own wonderland, where one takes pictures to admire the kit, not the other way round as it is in our world.

  9. {katie p , sep 07, 2005; 07:14 p.m.

    I'm going to a wedding this weekend and aside from taking my digital camera I'd also like to take the Leica M6 I was just given (!!!). I haven't shot film in quite some times so I'm trying to figure out what film to use for indoor}


    {katie p , nov 22, 2005; 01:42 a.m.

    What would you guys take on a camping trip (in southern california later this week). I've never been camping so I don't know what film to take. I'm shooting on a Leica M6, if that helps with the suggestions.}


    {katie p , nov 28, 2005; 03:12 p.m.

    I am just starting to use a M6 and currently use a Summicron-M 50mm f/2. I am going to be getting one more lens for Christmas}


    Being frank, I think the last thing you need is another lens.

  10. {difference between the M6 classic, the MP and the new MP3.}


    M6 was the last Leica made with press photographers in mind. The MP was made with wealthy pensioners in mind, and the MP3 is a reproduced collectible commissioned by the Leica admirers' fraternity. Both are functionally M6s with vintage-era frou-frou.

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