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meli d

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Image Comments posted by meli d



    Of all the photos for you to comment about, I am very glad you singled out this one. Thanks for the suggestion, which I will try, certainly if I can do something to enrich this favored image! Thank you.


    Mel in Heaven


    I got lucky to shoot this one! Near where I live, a framing store puts large mirrors out on the sidewalk ~ One rare, cloudy, blustery day in L.A., I went over there to see if I could catch some of this reflection! Yaay! it worked!! : ) Thanks for the comment. I am glad you like it.


    Happy New Year.


    Self in Clouds

    Thank you and I love the comments! :) ~ and I accept, proudly _and_ modestly, as I must note that this is a photo borne out of chaos! and on a blustery, rare L.A. day to boot, and credit Ruggiero for his photographic and personal influence, bringing me to embrace a quote from Nietzsche, for the necessity of chaos to birth dancing stars . . . and "The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude." Perfect for the excellent month of November ~ the week of our Thanksgiving.

    Many thanks! Mel

    Art, the 'white backdrop' is actually clouds ~ and I will post the original so you can see ~

    and guess what? there is at least one other good frame! : )



    I uploaded too many on 11/15 to include this one for Marco's birthday,

    so this is belated, with good wishes, for the magic of numbers and love


    Your comments and critiques are always welcome. Thank you in


    Eleventh Hour

    For tomorrow is the 11th day of the 11th month ~ (and in keeping with my numerology photo project!)

    Your comments and critiques are always welcome. Thank you in advance.


    You sure are getting a lot of mileage out of those feet! ; )) (he he) ~

    Great shot ~ I like the other one too since there is even more of your (watery) reflection in it ~

    I like it these feet displayed with these hands ~

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