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Posts posted by peter_frey

  1. <p>Hi I just bought some blackout material from Thorlabs to make a backup set of camera bellows for a Rittreck. It's black rubberized material that seems like shutter curtain cloth to me, but I'm no expert. The matte part maybe a little shiny and in need of dulling, the other side is a kind of shiny nylon type material. I'll use black cotton as the liner or use two layers of this and use a dulling spray on the inside. I thought it expensive at first, but at $44.20 (US$ but not including shipping) it works out to about a $1 a square foot. It's on their site, but for those in need of instant gratification the piece is 60 inches wide by 3 yards long (152cm x 274cm) I haven't verified the dimensions with the piece I received, but I now have plenty, so if someone need smaller bits, let me know and maybe we can work something out. I can also post detailed pix if anyone's interested. If the direct links below don't work for some reason, it's listed in "PRODUCTS" > "LIGHT" > "LIGHT ACCESSORIES". They also sell black flocked self-adhesive paper which can be useful for some lens barrel lining, but it looks like their price on the flocking is higher than Edmunds: http://www.edmundoptics.com/onlinecatalog/displayproduct.cfm?productID=1502<br>

    They also have black foil, but I haven't compared prices on the foil to grip houses like http://www.barbizon.com/home/ or even bhphoto.com<br>

    They're on the same page as the blackout fabric, but I didn't order any so I have no info on either. cheers.<br>


    blackout webpage: http://www.thorlabs.com/NewGroupPage9.cfm?ObjectGroup_ID=190<br>

    catalog page: http://www.thorlabs.com/catalogPages/v20/1236.pdf</p>


  2. I just spent some time printing up old half used boxes of paper. I was using a vintage Zone VI Brillaint

    grade 3 paper (ca.1994) with Gevaert G.262 1:6 and got a really "nice" reddish tone. I just ordered some

    Zone VI brillaint variable contrast paper from Calumet and was really dissappointed that the 262 could

    barely develop a grey & white image on the paper at all. Does anyone know a fiber based paper by brand

    that will go red in 262 at 1:6? And so I know what to look for in the apocalypic future of analog

    phtography, what chemical (or chemical catch phrase) determines the paper going more red than brown

    with 262 so I can hopefully find something that will work to my liking regardless of brand label.

    Something else I thought about: would it make a difference that one is variable contrast and one is




  3. When exposing color negative film, it can be helpful to over expose it by one stop (or set

    the ISO at half its rating shoot 400 at 200 etc.). I don't know if I'd recomend it if your

    scanning the negs. some scanners don't deal with dense negative too well. when you print

    the overexposed neg you get a deeper black because your having to increase print

    exposure to print the highlights.. and

    the colors seem more robust... regardless, shooting in good light seems to be the best

    way to make good images but it doesn't hurt to open up a stop with color negs. (normal


  4. Hi I just got a fujimoto cp31 with the wash dry unit and replenisher unit. I have some

    questions about setting it up. The debate is to run it without the dryer and replenisher. I

    don't know if I have the volumne to use the replenisher and the W/D unit seems to want to

    get water from a temp. reg. board and all I hvae is a tap (hot and cold but justa faucet)

    any advice ( or tech or service manuals at a fair price) would be helpful. some of the folks

    at jobo have been friendly and helpful but the tech department has been surprisingly

    unhelpful.. the other info i'd be interested in is chemistry and running temp and time for

    some of the room temperature processes.. thanks

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