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Posts posted by alicia_rovel

  1. My opinion: there is nothing to fight about, really. If you like film buy film, if you like digital buy digital. Unfortunately when people start talking about film becoming extinct people get upset. That is highly unlikely so don't you think we should all relax? As a Leica Lover, I will continue to feed mine with film. But, if digital would be best for some of my projects I would not hesitate to use it. Why do humans need to turn any issue into WAR? Check out the incredible cooperation of other species as in The March of the Penguins...a really moving film (take your hankies) about how cooperation increased the chance of species survival. Don't fight back, celebrate that you have more choices.
  2. My Pilot Super has a Pilotar 80mm 4.5


    I haven't gotten around to finishing the roll yet but I will soon.


    As you pointed out there must have been masks available as there are 3 red windows on the back with a cover device.


    It is a fine looking Art Deco piece even if it is not used as a camera. The chrome trim on mine is in fine shape.

  3. Drawing for example. Is all drawing in monochrome (essentially black and white) sentimental? I don't think so. See Sol Lewitt for example, or Richard Tuttle (wire drawings) on view at SFMOMA now. Artists concentrate on monochrome to emphasize Form. If photographers are more interested in Form than other qualities they just might choose to work in black and white. If some of these choose subjects that might be deemed "sentimental" it doesn't undermine the emphasis on Form. A Thomas Kinkaid does not discredit all of painting for example just because he is absorbed in nostalgia.
  4. you will enjoy using it and you can buy modern relatively inexpensive cosina voigtlander lenses to use with it. i have a IIIF with both Leitz and CV lenses. the drawbacks of the small viewfinder can be overcome with auxilliary viewfinders which come with the CV lenses. just get a modern light meter to use with it or use the "sunny 16" method. also check out the auction site for a small orange filter that goes over the rangefinder window to imporove the contrast. it's nice that you want to keep it after all the trouble your grandfather went to to hold on to it.
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