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Image Comments posted by gerrymorgan


    It's very difficult to evoke time in a photo and I think you have done so very successfully. Beautifully done!

    Just Missed

    You've really caught the moment here, Roger. I like how the batsman is looking directly at the ball, and the selective focus nicely separates the subject from the background. There are a couple of highlights that I find mildly distracting: the two whitish, ball-sized objects in the diagonal axis from the real ball up to the top-right corner. I might be tempted to edit them out, but that might not be part of your photographic ethos and in any case, they detract only slightly from what is a really great shot!

    Fellow pupil #2

    A very nice portrait. I like the contrasts of old and modern things. And the high-contrast processing. What's the story behind this photo? Who are they?
  1. What a beautiful robber fly! And I like the angle you've photographed him at.


    This insect is completely harmless to humans. The impressive proboscis is for attacking other insects in order to eat them, by sucking out their juices. He's not a mosquito and he's not interested in blood. I disagree with your 'ugly' tag -- I think he's gorgeous.


    Nicely shot!



    Nice shot! I don't see any noise, but perhaps it's visible at 100%. If so, you might want to look into getting a Photoshop plugin such as Noise Ninja. You don't have to apply it globally across the entire photo. Instead, you can apply the noise processing to a duplicate layer, then mask out the areas that don't need noise reduction.

    Yankele e Moishele

    A funny story and a great composition! I like how the diagonal leads the eye from the man seated to the man in the doorway. From there, I follow his gaze which leads me back to the man seated. So the eye remains in the photo. I also like the reflection of Venice (and the second man) in the window.


    Very nice. It makes me think of Sugimoto's seascapes, but with more going on -- you have lines on the landscape and clouds in the sky to direct the viewer's eye.

    Paper and Marbles


    Quite apart from the challenge of photographing this, there is quite an art to arranging the subject in an aesthetically pleasing way, and you've done a great job. I like the choice of colours too. Its basic forms and pure colour lend it a rather early 20th century feel, somewhat reminiscent of Malevich's suprematism (though his shapes were usually on a white background), or Rodchenko.


  2. To my eye, the highlights in the original were fine, and I prefer its luminosity to the suggested alternative. I think Mike has nicely caught one of those moments on a stormy day when a shaft of sunlight finds its way through the clouds. I like the contrast between on the one hand the building, bathed in light, and on the other the threatening clouds and muted (shadowy) tones of the foreground.

    In winter

    I like how everything has snow piled on it. Even the barbed wire has been softened by the recent snowfall. Every twig has its own tiny snow pile. The photo conveys a sense of stillness: no wind has yet sprung up to dislodge the snow from where it perches. And you've positioned the fence post perfectly. Also, it looks like it was slightly foggy, or perhaps snow was still falling, and that has greatly simplified the background. It must have been wonderful to be out among the fresh snow on this still day. I would not change a thing in this photo -- it's gorgeous.
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